[Napla] Temario Evento NAP.LA

Raul Echeberria raul at lacnic.net
Wed Mar 8 10:05:24 BRT 2006

At 12:39 a.m. 08/03/2006, Bill Woodcock wrote:
>       On Mon, 6 Mar 2006, Raul Echeberria wrote:
>     > Estaba la propuesta de los esquemas de 
> interconexión, que pareciá ser el
>     > tema que venia naturalmente, pero tal vez surjan otros temas.
>I think interconnection is a hot topic...  Not the old idea of
>interconnecting IXPs to form a "regional IX,"

I am not speaking about any specific proposal. This is your comment.
In fact, to say that it is necessary to do 
something, would be  way to anticipate the conclusions of the debate.

There are already in place different ways 
of  intra-regional connections, but they have not been analyzed.
The key thing would be to analyze the current 
situations, the traffic, connections available 
and then, conclude if something more should be done.
If the conclusion is yes, then that will be the moment to discuss what.

What is happening now, is that many people, 
including governments are claiming for better 
intra-regional connection services, but this 
claim is not being made based on right surveys.

If you look at the goal 1.1 (the first of the 
document) in the eLAC2007 (the document approved 
by the latinamerican and caribbean countries in 
the last regional conference), then you will 
realize that this is an important issue for the governments.

At this stage we are in a situation in which we 
can decide the agenda on this topic, if we don't 
do anything, then the agenda will be given from 
outside the Internet regional community.


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