[BCOP] Virtual Meeting to discuss the BCOP on Security Requirements for CPE

Lucimara Desiderá lucimara at cert.br
Tue May 29 15:28:31 BRT 2018

Hi folks

During the LACNIC20 meeting in Panama City we had a LAC-AAWG 
face-to-face session to discuss the details on the BCOP document 
"Minimum security requirements for CPEs acquisition". However, the time 
we had was not enough and we still have some items to discuss.

So in order to continue that discussion and advance in the document 
writing (we need to put out the draft-2 and open it to a second round of 
  comments) we have scheduled a virtual meeting for the next week, June 
06, 13h (UTC).

Please check your time/timezones at:


The info to join the virtual meeting is:


Time: Jun 6, 2018 10:00 AM Montevideo

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://isoc.zoom.us/j/521618867

Or iPhone one-tap :
     US: +16699006833,,521618867#  or +16465588656,,521618867#
Or Telephone:
     Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current 
         US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 558 8656
         Argentina: +54 341 512 2188
         Brazil: +55 21 3958 7888  or +55 11 4680 6788
         Chile: +56 41 256 0288
         Colombia: +57 2 620 7388  or +57 1 508 7702
         El Salvador: +503 2113 9088
         Mexico: +52 554 161 4288
         Panama: +507 833 9588  or +507 380 3900
         Peru: +51 1 707 5788
     Meeting ID: 521 618 867
     International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/diFRV6Inz


Looking forward to meeting you there.

Best regards,

Lucimara Desiderá and Christian O'Flaherty
Co-chairs, LAC-AAWG

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