[Lacigf] IGF 2014 fechas y novedades / IGF 2014 Istanbul Dates and updates

Andres Piazza andres at lacnic.net
Fri Jan 31 14:12:37 BRST 2014


-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: 	[AG] IGF 2014 fechas y novedades / IGF 2014 Istanbul Dates and 
Fecha: 	Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:04:48 -0300
De: 	Carolina Aguerre <carolina at lactld.org>
A: 	ag at lactld.org General de LACTLD <ag at lactld.org>

*English below*


Reenvío a continuación el mensaje del gobierno de Turquía en el que 
ratifican las fechas previstas inicialmente para el IGF 2014: 2-5 
Si bien las fechas aparentan ser firmes, aconsejo consultar siempre la 
página del secretariado antes de realizar reservas de hoteles o 
pasajes:http://www.intgovforum.org/ <http://www.intgovforum.org/>

Asimismo, aprovecho a recordarles que si tienen recomendaciones y 
comentarios para la organización del IGF 2014, se reciben comentarios 
hasta el 10 de febrero al siguiente correo electrónico: 
IGF2014si at intgovforum.org

El foro de consultas y la primera reunión del MAG del 2014 (19-20 
febrero) están abiertas y contarán con participación remota, que será 
comunicado en su momento.
El enlace para la inscripción:


Dear Colleagues,

I am forwarding the message of the government of Turkey with respect to 
the dates of the IGF 2014 which will finally take place as initially 
planned: 2-5 September.
Even though the dates are apparently firm, I strongly recommend you 
check the Secretariat's website before making any travel arrangements: 
http://www.intgovforum.org/ <http://www.intgovforum.org/>

I also take the opportunity to remind you that if you have any 
recommendations or comments for the organization of the IGF 2014, please 
send them to IGF2014si at intgovforum.org before
10 February.

The open consultations and MAG meeting will be held on 19-20 February 
and they will all be open. Remote participation will be available and 
communicated in due course. If you wish to attend the meeting, the 
registration form is: 

Best regards

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[IGFmaglist] IGF 2014 Istanbul Dates
Date: 	Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:22:57 +0200
From: 	Ihsan Durdu <ihsan.durdu at gmail.com>
To: 	Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org

Dear MAG members,

I would like to inform the community that the originally planned dates
for IGF 2014 Istanbul (Sept 2nd thru Sep 5th.) is valid. There will be
no change on those dates.

I hope this is comforting news for the community.

Best regards,

Ihsan Durdu

Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey

Igfmaglist mailing list
Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org


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