[Lacigf] LAC CS Meeting in IGF - Reunion LAC en Civil Society Day in IGF

Renata Aquino Ribeiro raquino at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 18:33:47 BRT 2016


En 4Dec, un dia antes de #IGF2016 dia zero, ocurre la reunión conjunta
de la sociedad civil organizada por Bestbits y otros colectivos de
gobernanza de internet.


Por la tarde 2:30pm tenemos

Regional Engagement in Internet Governance – The role of LAC and
developing countries

Invito a participantes de LACIGF que nos brinden con su colaboración
en esa sesion.

Ya están confirmadas

Renata Aquino Ribeiro - E.I./MAG CS IGF - Brazil (organizadora)
Paola Perez - ISOC Venezuela
Anahi Menendez - ISOC Argentina
Paula Gutierrez - Article 19 Mexico

Y buscamos mas representacion de otros paises en LAC para esta sesion.
Por favor escriban raquino at gmail.com interesados en participar





In 4Dec, a day before #IGF2016 dia zero, there will be the Joint Civil
Society Meeting by Bestbits and other groups and collectives in
internet governance.


At 2:30pm we'll have

Regional Engagement in Internet Governance – The role of LAC and
developing countries

I'd like to invite LACIGF participants to collaborate with this session

We have already confirmed

Renata Aquino Ribeiro - E.I./MAG CS IGF - Brazil (organizadora)
Paola Perez - ISOC Venezuela
Anahi Menendez - ISOC Argentina
Paula Gutierrez - Article 19 Mexico

And we look forward to have more representation from other LAC
countries in this session.
Please write to raquino at gmail.com if you wish to participate

Thank you


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