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<p>Manuel, sigue la explicación de Ariel Weher que tiene mucha mas
experiencia que yo. :)<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">El 09/11/2016 a las 15:19, Ariel Weher
<div dir="ltr">
<div class="gmail_default"
style="font-family:monospace,monospace">Hola Manuel.</div>
<div class="gmail_default"
<div class="gmail_default"
style="font-family:monospace,monospace">Quizás la solución más
fácil es que aproveches las ventajas del ECMP (equal cost
multi path), esto se hace de form automática cuando tienes dos
rutas con la misma métrica, la misma distancia administrativa
y la misma red de destino.</div>
<div class="gmail_default"
<div class="gmail_default"
style="font-family:monospace,monospace">Si corres un IGP, esto
puede llegar a hacerse sin intervención tuya al ver caminos
perfectamente iguales al mismo destino. Sino, vas a tener que
poner algunas rutas estáticas (con tracking e ip sla) para que
se vuelvan nulas al no responder el otro lado.</div>
<div class="gmail_default"
<div class="gmail_default"
style="font-family:monospace,monospace">Claro está, esto no
sirve para interfaces bridgeadas, solo ruteadas.</div>
<div class="gmail_default"
<div class="gmail_default"
style="font-family:monospace,monospace">Cualquier cosa me
contactas por unicast y te paso algunos ejemplos.</div>
<div class="gmail_default"
<div class="gmail_default"
<div class="gmail_extra"><br>
<div class="gmail_quote">On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 5:14 PM,
Alejandro Acosta <span dir="ltr"><<a
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">no.., esto
no sería lo que estas buscando.<br>
Tu respuesta en el mundo de Cisco es etherchannel ..., nunca
lo ví en routers pero si en LAN Switches. No se si exista
alguna solución más moderna y que yo me haya quedado en la
prehistoria :-|<br>
El 9/11/16 a las 2:11 p.m., Alejandro Acosta escribió:
<div class="HOEnZb">
<div class="h5"><br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
El 9/11/16 a las 2:08 p.m., Manuel José Linares Alvaro
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
Alguien sabe como configurar un router cisco (tal
vez un 2900 o 2800) con dos interfaces de red<br>
ethernet redundantes? algo parecido a lo que
llamamos en linux interfaces bond?<br>
Manuel Linares.<br>
From: "Robert Guerra" <<a moz-do-not-send="true"
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2016 2:31 PM<br>
To: "Latin America and Caribbean Region Network
Operators Group" <<a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="mailto:lacnog@lacnic.net" target="_blank">lacnog@lacnic.net</a>><br>
Cc: "GT IPv6 LAC / LAC IPv6 TF" <<a
href="mailto:lactf@lacnic.net" target="_blank">lactf@lacnic.net</a>><br>
Subject: [lacnog] IGF 2016 / Se busca contactos
sobre el despliegue de IPv6<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
Estimados colegas,<br>
Estoy organizando una session sobre IPv6 en el
Foro de Governance que<br>
tendrá lugar en Mexico al mes que viene.<br>
Me encantaría incluir la participación de personas
responsable del<br>
despliegue de IPv6 de Latin America. A
continuación os incluyo detalles<br>
de la session.<br>
Si teneis alguna pregunta, envíame una nota.<br>
-- <br>
Robert Guerra<br>
Twitter: <a moz-do-not-send="true"
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">twitter.com/netfreedom</a><br>
Email: <a moz-do-not-send="true"
PGP Keys : <a moz-do-not-send="true"
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://keybase.io/rguerra</a><br>
Details of the workshop<br>
IGF 2016 Workshop #6 : Can Law enforcement catch
bad actors online<br>
<a moz-do-not-send="true"
rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">https://www.intgovforum.org/cm<wbr>s/igf2016/index.php/proposal/<wbr>view_public/6</a>
Description of workshop:<br>
The exhaustion of the IPv4 address supply has been
predicted since the<br>
end of the 1980s. However, the large scale
adoption of mobile devices<br>
and their associated IPv4 addressing needs
accelerated the exhaustion<br>
timetable, and placed increased pressure on
network operators to<br>
conserve IPv4 addresses<br>
This pressure has resulted in a marked increase in
the use of<br>
technologies, such as Network Address Translation
(NAT), that allow<br>
pools of addresses to be shared across multiple
endpoints. These<br>
mechanisms enable the reuse of the limited pool of
available IPv4<br>
addresses, resulting in the number of connected
endpoints vastly<br>
outnumbering the number of addresses in use in the
public internet.<br>
This has three important implications for Internet
developers, and those who depend on certain
behaviors of the technology.<br>
Application designers need to consider the fact
that an IP address does<br>
not necessarily identify an endpoint.<br>
Law enforcement and forensic functions need to
consider that an IP<br>
address alone may not be sufficient to correlate
Internet activity<br>
observations with an endpoint; and even an IP
address associated<br>
timestamp generally may not suffice.<br>
Data retention mechanisms and policies that record
or reference an IP<br>
address need to refactor their actions and
requirements to consider that<br>
in increasingly large parts of the Internet, an IP
address is merely a<br>
temporary identifier. Potentially large volumes of
ancillary data are<br>
required to match an IP address to an endpoint.<br>
Description of the plan to facilitate discussion
amongst speakers,<br>
audience members and remote participants:<br>
The workshop will be organized as a facilitated
dialogue. Led by the<br>
moderator, subject experts will debate and discuss
the key questions and<br>
issues. Subject experts will give opening
comments, after which the<br>
moderator will turn to those attending the session
and invited experts<br>
in the audience to engage in facilitated dialogue.<br>
In addition to the background documents and papers
that will be prepared<br>
ahead of the IGF, additional articles of interest,
commissioned blogs,<br>
reference materials and social media conversations
will be published and<br>
distributed ahead of the workshop.<br>
The experts listed below have accepted the
invitation to participate in<br>
the session. They are drawn from the Law
Enforcement, Government,<br>
Academia, Civil Society, The Technical Community
and Private sector<br>
stakeholder groups. A facilitated dialogue will be
organized so that<br>
these experts can bring their knowledge and
perspective to discuss and<br>
debate the challenges brought by IPv4 exhaustion
and the challenges and<br>
opportunities presented by IPv6 adoption.<br>
(1) Jeffrey R. Bedser is the founder and CEO of
iThreat Cyber Group<br>
<a moz-do-not-send="true"
href="http://www.ithreat.com" rel="noreferrer"
target="_blank">www.ithreat.com</a>. Mr. Bedser
has led ICG on its journey from an internet<br>
investigative firm to a technology driven threat
Intelligence Company.<br>
ICG was formed in 1997 as Internet Crimes Group.
Mr. Bedser has been a<br>
facilitator, panelist and speaker for
organizations such as POLCYB, ASIS<br>
International, Infragard, HTCIA, The Conference
Board, ICANN and the FBI<br>
Training Academy at Quantico. Mr. Bedser has
received media coverage on<br>
multiple occasions discussing topics surrounding
cyber-crime and cyber<br>
For the session, Jeff will help present an
overview of the current<br>
challenges being faced by cyber investigators as
IPv4 addresses are<br>
exhausted and the transition to a wider deployment
of IPv6 takes place.<br>
(2) John Curran is considered an Internet and
industry expert. Curran was one of the founding
members and is the<br>
current President and Chief Executive Officer of
the American Registry<br>
for Internet Numbers (ARIN), a Regional Internet
Registry (RIR). He is<br>
also a Principal Associate at Isotropic, LLC., a
cybersecurity and<br>
telecommunications service provider. Curran
actively participates in the<br>
activities of the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF) and has served<br>
as co-chairman of the Operations and Network
Management Area and member<br>
of IPng (IPv6) Directorate.<br>
For the session, John will bring the North
American Regional Internet<br>
Registry perspective to the conversation.<br>
(3) Laura DeNardis is an American author and a
globally recognized<br>
scholar of Internet governance and technical
infrastructure. She is a<br>
tenured Professor and Associate Dean in the School
of Communication at<br>
American University. She is a Senior Fellow of the
Centre for<br>
International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and
serves as the Director of<br>
Research for the Global Commission on Internet
Governance. With a<br>
background in Information engineering and a
doctorate in Science and<br>
Technology Studies (STS), her research studies the
social and political<br>
implications of Internet technical architecture
and governance.<br>
She is an appointed member of the U.S. Department
of State Advisory<br>
Committee on International Communications and
Information Policy<br>
(ACICIP). She has more than two decades of
experience as an expert<br>
consultant in Internet Governance to Fortune 500
companies, foundations,<br>
and government agencies.<br>
For the session, Laura will bring an academic and
research perspective<br>
to the conversation<br>
(4) Robert Flaim has been a Supervisory Special
Agent (SSA) for the<br>
Federal Bureau of Investigation for over seventeen
(17) years.<br>
Currently, SSA Flaim is assigned to the Executive
Staff Unit of the<br>
Operational Technology Division in Quantico,
Virginia. Since 2004, Mr.<br>
Flaim has worked on Internet Governance efforts
with the Internet<br>
Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
and Regional Internet<br>
Registries, i.e., ARIN, RIPE NCC, the Internet
Engineering Task Force<br>
and other Internet Governance organizations, to
foster Internet policies<br>
and practices that ensure effective international
law enforcement<br>
investigations. Prior to his current position, Mr.
Flaim worked at the<br>
FBI Washington Field Office on cyber and
Bobby will bring a US and international law
enforcement perspective to<br>
the conversation and dialogue. As well, Robert
will bring a unique<br>
first-hand familiarity of urgent cyber
investigations to to discussion.<br>
(4) Athina Fragkouli is the Legal Counsel at the
RIPE Network<br>
Coordination Centre (NCC), where she is
responsible for all legal<br>
aspects of the organisation. She defines the RIPE
NCC legal framework,<br>
provides advice, and gives legal support for all
RIPE NCC activities.<br>
Athina works with a variety of Internet
stakeholders such as network<br>
operators, governments, and Law Enforcement
Agencies (LEA). She also<br>
represents the RIPE NCC in a variety of fora such
as technical meetings<br>
and EU-organised events.<br>
Athina - Will bring a European Regional Internet
Registry perspective to<br>
the panel. As well she will bring a rights based,
european and privacy<br>
perspective to the conversation.<br>
(5) Merike Kaeo is a recognized global expert in
information security<br>
and author of “Designing Network Security.” Prior
to joining<br>
Farsight Security, Merike served as Chief
Information Security Officer<br>
for Internet Identity (IID), where she was
responsible for maintaining<br>
IID’s vision and ensuring the company’s sensitive
information and<br>
technologies are protected. Prior to joining IID,
Merike founded Double<br>
Shot Security, which provided strategic and
operational guidance to<br>
secure Fortune 100 companies. She led the first
security initiative for<br>
Cisco in the mid-1990s. Merike is on ICANN’s
Security and Stability<br>
Advisory Council (SSAC) and the FCC’s
Communications Security,<br>
Reliability and Interoperability Council (CSRIC).
She earned a MSEE from<br>
George Washington University and a BSEE from
Rutgers University.<br>
(6) Dick Leaning has over 28 years’ experience in
Law Enforcement,<br>
leading teams of investigators in the Metropolitan
Police Service<br>
(London), UK National Crime Squad (NCS) and the
Serious Organised Crime<br>
Agency (SOCA) and from 2009 within SOCA’s Cyber
Crime Department. Dick<br>
has been the UK representative at the G8 High-Tech
Crime subgroup of<br>
senior experts and Interpol’s European High-Tech
Crime Working Group<br>
with responsibility for enhancing the abilities of
law enforcement.<br>
Based in The Hague since September 2011, Dick
joined the United Kingdom<br>
Liaison Bureau (UKLB) desk as a Europol Cyber
Liaison officer, and has<br>
recently taken on the role of Seconded National
Expert attached to the<br>
European Cybercrime Center (EC3) at Europol. In
his current role, Dick<br>
has responsibility for Internet Community
Engagement through which he<br>
hopes to achieve significant dialogue with the
multi-stakeholders and Law Enforcement, to work in
partnership to<br>
prevent, disrupt and prosecute cyber criminals.<br>
Richard will bring a Internet Registry, Law
Enforcement and<br>
International Cyber Investigation perspective to
the conversation and<br>
(7) Ben Butler has been with Go Daddy since 2001.
In 2002, He formed the<br>
Go Daddy Abuse Department, and served as Director
of Network Abuse for<br>
over 10 years. In this role, Ben helped create and
enforce company and<br>
public policies dealing with every form of
potential abuse that happens<br>
online, including spam, phishing, identity theft,
infringements, cyberbullying, child exploitation
issues, and rogue<br>
internet pharmacies. He recently took on a new
role as Director of the<br>
Digital Crimes Unit. Ben comes from a strong
technical background<br>
including several years as a network and email
administrator, and has<br>
experience in customer service, business
management, and marketing.<br>
Ben will bring a registrar perspective to the
conversation and dialogue.<br>
Description of the proposer's plans for remote
The workshop will be organized as a facilitated
dialogue. Led by the<br>
moderator, subject experts will debate and discuss
the key questions and<br>
issues. Subject experts will give opening
comments, after which the<br>
moderator will turn to those attending the session
and invited experts<br>
in the audience to engage in facilitated dialogue.<br>
Background paper (attached)<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
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