[LAC-TF] Fw: [miembros] RE: [miembros] Invitación al Coalition Summit for IPv6 {01} {01}

Jaime Olmos jaime at noc.udg.mx
Mon Apr 25 14:33:22 BRT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Harold de Dios
To: miembros at mx.ipv6tf.org
Cc: foro at mx.ipv6tf.org
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: [miembros] RE: [miembros] Invitación al Coalition Summit for IPv6 
{01} {01}

De igual forma,
Para la cita del 10 de junio de 2005 (reunión internacional de todos los 
Task Forces del mundo),  el Task Force IPv6 México estará presente, 
confirmamos que  atenderemos esta reunión (por el momento) los señores 
Arturo Gómez García y su servidor Harold de Dios Tovar.
El TF IPv6 México, aún está en espera de la confirmación del  alguno de sus 
Por consiguiente a todos aquellos que tengan la oportunidad de asistir, les 
hacemos la más atenta invitación.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ" <jordi.palet at consulintel.es>
To: <lactf at lac.ipv6tf.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [LAC-TF] Fw: Invitación al Coalition Summit for IPv6

> Hola,
> Aprovecho yo para hacer promocion tambien de nuestro evento:
> http://www.ipv6-es.com
> Habra una presentacion por parte de UNAM.
> La cita es en Barcelona del 6 al 10 de Junio. El 10 de Junio ademas habra
> una reunion internacional de todos los Task Forces del mundo.
> Regards,
> Jordi

De: jaime at noc.udg.mx [mailto:jaime at noc.udg.mx]
Enviado el: Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:03 PM
Para: miembros at mx.ipv6tf.org
CC: foro at mx.ipv6tf.org
Asunto: [miembros] Invitación al Coalition Summit for IPv6 {01}

Que tal a todos,
El próximo 24 de Mayo del presente año se llevará acabo el evento 
norteamericano  del "Coaltion Summit for IPv6" en Reston, Virginia E.U.A. 
Por parte de la Universidad de Guadalajara asistiremos Arturo Gómez García y 
su servidor Jaime Olmos de la Cruz  miembros activos del IPv6 Task Forces 
México. A todos aquellos que tengan la oportunidad de acudir,  los invitamos 
a que asistamos a este importante foro.

Coalition Summit for IPv6
May 24-26, 2005 . Reston, VA
Coalition Summit for IPv6 registration is now open!
You are invited to join the leaders shaping the future of the New Internet 
at the Coalition Summit for IPv6, where you will join executives from over 
20 major nations that seek to harmonize their IPv6 transitions with those of 
the US government and industry. We are honored to have Dr. Linton Wells, CIO 
of the Dept. of Defense, providing our opening keynote. We also expect Mr. 
Steve Cooper, DHS CIO, Lt. Gen. William Hobbins, DCS for Warfighting 
Integration, Mr. Jawad Khaki, VP of Microsoft, Mr. Brian Hughes, Exec. 
Director of the Defense Science Board,  as well as dozens of other 
international military, homeland defense, and Industry leaders that will 
identify key industry trends and business opportunities, in presentations, 
panels and demonstrations

The Coalition Summit for IPv6 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in 
Reston, Virginia (see www.coalitionsummit.com) on May 24-26, 2005, (there is 
also a tutorial and a security workshop on May 23). This conference is a 
great opportunity to get a thorough overview of the New Internet, together 
with transition strategies, business opportunities and strategic teaming 
introductions. The location is attractive, and is convenient to the Pentagon 
and the Washington Dulles airport.

IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol version 6, the major new upgrade for the 
32-year old IPv4 (the existing Internet). IPv6 provides an astronomical 
expansion of IP addresses, and advantages in mobility, security, ad hoc 
networking, ease of use, streaming multimedia and many other benefits that 
will create thousands of new products and millions of new jobs for the US 
and the world. Anyone who wants to benefit from the New Internet - with IT 
services and hardware, VoIP and TV-over-IP, RFIDs, communications, wireless 
and manufacturing, to name a few - will be there. You should be there, too!

The Coalition Summit for IPv6 builds on the success of the previous US IPv6 
Summit (held in Dec. 2004, it was the largest IPv6 event ever held in the 
US), and other Summits held in San Diego, Arlington, and Santa Monica (see 
Previous Events), organized by our team, IPv6 Summit, Inc. An exhibits area 
will allow you to get one-on-one consultation and hands-on experience of 
products from leading IPv6 companies including Spirent Federal, Juniper, 
Microsoft, Lucent, Agilent, NTT Communications, Charmed Technology and Ixia. 
Past IPv6 Summit sponsors included Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, IBM, Sun, 
Alcatel, Nortel, Nokia, Ericsson, NEC, and Hitachi. Revenues from products 
and services for the New Internet are estimated at well over a trillion 
dollars over the next decade -- and many of the key decision makers and 
pioneers will be at this conference.

You have probably heard of the accelerating interest in the New Internet 
because of its dramatic support of new types of Internet-enabled consumer 
electronics, defense systems, and wireless and mobile gaming capabilities, 
as well as recent announcements by the US and other Departments of Defense 
(which are switching all Internet operations over to this new standard) and 
support by major vendors such as Microsoft, Intel and Sony. The theme of 
this event is Making the Alliance-Wide Transition to IPv6. Distinguished 
presenters will discuss the business opportunities for the New Internet, the 
American, European and Asian transition time schedules, and practical IPv6 

Please put the dates of May 23-26 on your calendar. You can get a more 
complete description of the Summit and register at www.coalitionsummit.com; 
space is limited, so register early!

We thank you for your consideration and support - and for forwarding this 
invitation to other individuals and companies who might want to attend the 
Coalition Summit for IPv6 - see you in May!

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