[LAC-TF] Fwd: [afripv6-discuss] ---> BREAKING NEWS!!!!! IPv6 Appli-Contest is back after 2005 as ++++++++++ INTERNATIONAL IPv6 APPLICATION CONTEST 2009 ++++++++

Roque Gagliano roque at lacnic.net
Fri Jan 16 10:11:34 BRST 2009

sorry, lo mandé antes de leer el mail de Jordi...


On Jan 16, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Roque Gagliano wrote:

> Hola,
> les re-transmito esta invitación.
> Roque
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> The German IPv6 Council invites applications for the
>> http://www.ipv6council.de/contest
>> The objectives of this contest are the generation of ideas and
>> applications, which help determine how to introduce IPv6, the  
>> internet
>> of the next generation, on a large scale and use it effectively. The
>> contest also provides an opportunity for the next generation of
>> application developers to gain experience with IPv6. The German IPv6
>> Council has been founded in 2007 at Hasso-Plattner-Institute in
>> Potsdam assisted by the German federal government and leading
>> representatives of the German internet industry in order to give a
>> political voice to the new internet generation IPv6. As the German
>> representative in the international IPv6 Forum, the German IPv6  
>> Council
>> prepares, together with the German federal government, a roadmap for
>> the introduction and popularisation of IPv6 in Germany. Its clear
>> mission is to advocate IPv6 by improving technology, market, user,  
>> and
>> industry awareness of IPv6 and to create a sophisticated and secure
>> new internet.
>> The contest invites applications from two categories:
>>     Applications and Implementations should fulfil the following
>>     criteria:
>>     a.  Executable new or expanded IPv6 Software Applications
>>     b.  Compatibility with the following operating systems:
>>         i.  Major Linux distributions: Kernel 2.4 or later
>>         ii. Windows XP SP1 or later (Home Edition, Professional
>>             Edition)
>> 2. IDEAS
>>     The sketches of ideas should fulfil the following criteria:
>>     a.  Be based on the merits and strengths of IPv6
>>     b.  Have a clear reference to networks
>>     c.  Guarantee secure and direct communication, independent of
>>          location and status
>>     d. Guarantee two-way communication, including the communication
>>          between devices, including but not limited to computers
>>     • Applications and Implementations: three major awards;
>>       First Price: 10.000 Euro
>>     • Ideas: several prices of 1.000 Euro each
>>     • Eligibility: open to companies, groups and individuals of any
>>       nationality
>>     • APPLICATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATIONS: Upload the complete
>>       application, incl. documentation and description
>>       (more Details: http://www.ipv6council.de/contest/)
>>     • IDEAS: 2 pages  (A4) as PDF-Document
>>     • April 10, 2009 Submission deadline for Applications and Ideas
>>     • May 14, 2009 Award Ceremony during the 2nd German National IPv6
>>       Summit at Hasso-Plattner-Institut at the University of Potsdam
>>     • What contribution is made to create a new internet experience?
>>     • How and to what extent will the contribution promote and
>>        popularise IPv6?
>>     • E-Mail Adresse:  apc2009-info at ipv6council.de
>>     • Website:  http://www.ipv6council.de/contes
>>    IPv6 Application Contest 2009 Secretariat
>>    German IPv6 Council
>>    c/o Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering
>>    Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
>>    D-14482 Potsdam
>>    Germany
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Dr. Harald Sack
>> Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH
>> Universität Potsdam
>> Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
>> D-14482 Potsdam
>> Germany
>> Tel.: +49 (0)331-5509-527
>> Fax: +49 (0)331-5509-325
>> E-Mail: Harald.Sack at hpi.uni-potsdam.de
>> http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/meinel/sack.html
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