[LAC-TF] Summary LAC IPv6 TF ---- 14 August 2009 - 31 August 2009
Mariela Rocha
marielac.rocha at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 14:41:17 BRT 2009
Summary of the e-mails sent to the LAC IPv6 TF mailing list ----- 14
August 2009 - 31August 2009
Subject: IPv6 Videos ...
(Complete original messages available beginning at:
Continuing with this subject, Jorge Amodio (AR) commented the following:
"The introduction of a new technology generates benefits beyond its
'strictly technical advantages'; in particular, IPv6 also generates the
opportunity (if they take advantage of it) for developing countries to
be a part of and contribute to its deployment, participating as actors
and not merely as spectators. This opportunity did not exist when
ARPANET was created nor when TCP/IP was later introduced.". "There are
ways to encourage and promote the use and insertion of technology
without spending a single dollar if the appropriate policies and
strategies are implemented."
In reply to the comments by Jorge Amodio, Julian Dunayevich (AR) added
some examples of what has happened in Argentina and stated: "In general,
governments invest in these technologies as a public policy, and
companies join in later, when they become profitable."
Raúl Echeberría (UY - LACNIC) agreed with these comments and stated that
LACNIC strongly emphasizes the benefits of IPv6 beyond its technical
advantages, and concluded: "It is not strictly – or at least not only –
about the potential advantages of a certain technology, but about the
ability to innovate and take advantage of a different context."
Jorge Amodio (AR) manifested his full agreement with Raúl Echeberría and
expressed his satisfaction for the job that LACNIC is carrying out on
this front.
Julian Dunayevich (AR) also supported Raúl’s opinion and added the
following: "In fact, most of the times, technology moves ahead of actual
needs. Yet they are used only when they become an actual need (or when
someone imposes them as necessary)."
Jorge Villa (CU) expressed his agreement with Julian Dunayevich and
added further relevant examples. He also manifested his support of Raúl
and the initiatives of LACNIC, adding that: "What we, as a region, truly
cannot let pass us by is the opportunity to participate and contribute
to this transformation of the Internet". Regarding the incorporation of
Latin Americans to the IETF – a topic mentioned in prior e-mails – Jorge
was of the opinion that it is very valid to stimulate this idea,
although for many it may be somewhat difficult.
After some examples provided by Julian Dunayevich (AR) and Jorge Amodio
(AR) regarding the companies that along the course of Internet history
were not able to impose their products, Fernando Gont (AR) expressed the
following opinion: "Although TCP/IPv4 has been around for a long time,
there are still many areas that need a lot of work. So I don't think
that IPv4 implies 'being mere spectators'. "I do agree that it is
important for the region to at least experiment around IPv6, so that
when we decide to deploy the protocol (if in fact we do decide to do
so), we won't have to (necessarily) hire 'first world' consultancy
services". Regarding the benefits of IPv6 from a technical point of
view, his opinion was as follows: "It could be argued that IPv6 would
have this or that benefit for the region for political reasons, or
whatever. And, in principle, I did not oppose this type of arguments.
Rather, what I did object was the fact that the 'technical motivations'
that are usually mentioned are not real."
Subject: IPv6 in Chile - First ISP implementing IPv6 in Latin America /
IPv6 in Chile - SECOND ISP implementing IPv6 in Latin America
(Complete original messages available beginning at:
Jorge Villa (CU) shared the news that the Chilean ISP GTD has recently
implemented IPv6 in its network with the aim of satisfying future
demands from their clients, as well as to improve the operation of their
Mariela Rocha (AR) congratulated those who made this news possible and
clarified that there are other ISPs that have already deployed IPv6 and
that some of them are listed in the IPv6 Transition Portal for LAC.
Next, news are received of other organizations that have already
deployed the protocol, such as Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
of Valparaíso (Fernando Morales, CL).
Hugo Salgado (CL) commented how NIC Chile has developed tasks geared at
IPv6 deployment and the relationship with GTD in relation to this issue.
Nicolás Antoniello (UY) took the opportunity to congratulate the new
implementation and commented on the article sent by Jorge Villa,
expressing his opinions both on the contents of the article itself as
well as on the answers provided in the FAQ published by the GTD Group.
Subject: Moderator election
(Complete original messages available beginning at:
After the closing of the call for nominations for the position of
FLIP6/LAC TF Moderator, the only name that was put forward was that of
the current forum moderator. As no objections were presented, she was
appointed for a new two-year period.
Subject: Fwd: Routing loop attacks using IPv6 tunnels
(Complete original message:
Nicolás Antoniello (UY) forwarded information regarding possible router
loop attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in transition mechanisms such
as 6to4, ISATAP and Teredo. These techniques are described at:
Subject: New dates for the Basic IPv6 course - NIC.br
(Complete original message:
Antonio Moreiras (BR) shared the new dates for the "Basic IPv6" courses
given by NIC.br., as well as the information necessary to enroll in
these courses.
In addition, he reminded the list that the "Introduction to IPv6" course
is available in digital format, among other services promoted by Nic.br,
providing contact information for queries.
Subject: APNIC IPv6 Survey
(Complete original messages available beginning at:
Antonio Moreiras (BR) observed that, just as RIPE and ARIN, APNIC is
conducting a survey to measure IPv6 adoption at global level. He
commented that in his opinion this type of regional activities are not
too effective for measuring global data, but proposed that we also
Carlos Afonso (BR) asked whether the NRO could coordinate/organize a
joint survey between the regions.
Other contributions to the list:
Jorge Amodio (AR): Website created by RIPE: _http://www.ipv6actnow.org/_
Germán Valdez (MX - APNIC): APNIC 28 in Beijing, China:
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