[LAC-TF] Fwd: Re: IPv6 BGP table size comparisons

Arturo Servin aservin at lacnic.net
Wed Dec 22 08:32:41 BRST 2010

	Creo que esta tabla puede ser interesante para algunos, tanto para contratar servicios como para añadir sus datos si son redes de tránsito.


Begin forwarded message:

> Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 22:08:43 -0500
> From: Jeff Wheeler <jsw at inconcepts.biz>
> Subject: Re: IPv6 BGP table size comparisons
> To: nanog at nanog.org
> Message-ID:
> 	<AANLkTin8LbfH6UkXKD1x5gxrZOVLJ+hSgOXx7Q5Tyb6Z at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I could not find this information on any Wikis, but this is the sort
> of thing that would be nice to be able to find out without posting on
> the list or asking around (obviously.)  I have quickly made a couple
> of entries with simple enough formatting that anyone can go onto
> Wikipedia, click Edit, and add what they know.  This is sure to become
> a frequently asked question before the answer is always "yes" given
> that some major transit-free networks have no functional IPv6
> capability of any kind.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_IPv6_support_by_major_transit_providers
> -- 
> Jeff S Wheeler <jsw at inconcepts.biz>
> Sr Network Operator? /? Innovative Network Concepts

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