[LAC-TF] ITU IPv6 WG Mtg (fwd)
Jorge Villa
villa at reduniv.edu.cu
Mon Feb 8 17:20:45 BRST 2010
Azael, gracias por reenviar el mensaje. Esperemos tener realimentacion luego
de la reunion de APNIC, y me imagino que en las diferentes reuniones de los
RIRs este tema este incluido en la agenda por la significacion que tiene
para la continuidad del trabajo de los RIRs, asi como el papel de estos en
el desarrollo de Internet.
A modo de correccion, el enlace adecuado para consultar el documento que
menciona German en su mensaje es
http://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/3B/02/T3B020000020002PDFE.pdf. En
realidad es importante leer el articulo completo para entender correctamente
que lo que se esta proponiendo crear es un mecanismo de coordinacion del
tema de gestion de recursos de internet (similar a los RIRs pero con
representatividad nacional), coordinado por ITU; de modo que cada pais tenga
su Registro local de direcciones, los cuales recibirian direcciones
directamente desde ITU y no desde los RIRs; aunque por supuesto (en teoria),
el usuario final tendria la libertad de pedir direcciones a ese registro
local o los RIR . Bajo este prisma, existirian 2 estructuras paralelas con
iguales funciones.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Azael Fernandez Alcantara" <azael at redes.unam.mx>
To: <lactf at lac.ipv6tf.org>; <politicas at lacnic.net>
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [LAC-TF] ITU IPv6 WG Mtg (fwd)
> Buen Dia,
> Les retransmito este correo que seguramente es y sera de interes para la
> comunidad de LACNIC, donde solicitariamos a la persona que asista a la
> reunion de APNIC, a principios de marzo, nos informe de primera mano,
> ademas de buscar participar remotamente como lo comenta German.
> ____________________________________
> Azael
> Mexico
> ___________________________________
> Mensaje enviado sin acentos
> -----Original Message-----
> From: German Valdez [mailto:german at apnic.net]
> Sent: 08 February 2010 08:29
> To: Prof Dr.Sureswaran Ramadass
> Cc: TAP; Latif LADID; members-bounces at ipv6forum.com; Jeroen Massar; Thomas
> Narten; exec at ap-ipv6tf.org; nav6tf at ipv6forum.com; members at ipv6forum.com;
> huitema at microsoft.com
> Subject: Re: ITU IPv6 WG Mtg
> Hi All
> It is good to see this discussion taking place in this forum.
> The ITU-T is scheduled to hold its first "Meeting of the ITU IPv6 Group"
> on
> 15 -16 March 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland. Although the draft agenda for
> the
> meeting is not uploaded yet, there is a "Terms of Reference" available
> from
> the following website:
> http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/othergroups/ipv6/
> The ITU-T recently published a paper by the National Advanced IPv6 Centre
> of
> Excellence, University Sains Malaysia, titled "A study on IPv6 Address
> Allocation and Distribution Methods"
> (http://www.itu.int/net/ITU-T/ipv6/itudocs.aspx) where it was recommended
> in
> its executive summary that:
> "The ITU could be the best alternative to manage this additional parallel
> structure and to act as an intergovernmental, multilateral,
> multi-stakeholder international body to ensure that the Internet evolves
> in
> a direction that protects and advances the fair distribution of the global
> Internet resources."
> As observed in this mailing list discussion, stakeholders from the wider
> Internet community have raised their concerns. The Number Resource
> Organization, the formal body representing the Regional Internet
> Registries
> (RIRs), has expressed concern over this recommendation. The RIRs are
> responsible for the equitable distribution of Internet resources through
> bottom-up policies that support the ongoing stability of the Internet.
> APNIC, the RIR for the Asia Pacific region, is participating in the ITU's
> "Meeting of the ITU IPv6 Group" and has organized a special session at
> APNIC 29 to openly discuss the ITU-T's proposed recommendation.
> We invite you to attend this session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to
> participate in the open discussion on the ITU-T's recommendation and IPv6
> address management. APNIC has also extended an invitation to Mr. Malcom
> Jhonson (Director of the ITU-TSB) to attend this special session. Details
> of
> the session will be available shortly on the APNIC meetings website.
> Additionally, I'll send the details to this list as soon as we have the
> information available.
> APNIC will also provide remote participation tools enabling wide
> participation at this very important event. Even if you cannot be there in
> person, it would be great to have your presence remotely and hear your
> thoughts.
> Kind regards,
> German Valdez
> Communications Area Manager
> On 31/01/2010, at 2:33 AM, Prof Dr.Sureswaran Ramadass wrote:
>> Dear Latif,
>> What TAP (teddyap) stated is accurate.
>> If you wish to continue this discussion, then it should carry an
> appropriate title. Like the one I have used above.
>> It is interesting to note the negative perception that most of you have
> regarding the ITU. I guess they must have had a historical past that has
> created this. What is interesting is all our countries pay membership to
> support ITU. Why do we pay them membership if we dont believe in them? Its
> just food for thought.
>> As stated by some of you, The correct platform to address the issue being
> debated is to raise it to your ITU rep (each of our countries have them)
> or
> to come to the March mtg in Geneva.
>> As for NAv6, we are a nuetral University based Scientific organisation
>> who
> was asked by ITU to do a technical study on Ipv6 Address Allocation, which
> we did. The results of this study is what ITU has published. However, how
> it
> is implemented is up to the Netizens of the world. So pls do voice your
> opinions and let them know. Maintaining democracy and being able to voice
> our opinions (backed with facts and truth) is one of the most important
> aspects of being a Global Internet User.
>> Regards,
>> Sures.
>> --
>> Professor Dr Sureswaran Ramadass
>> Director of NAV6 Center of Excellence
>> Univ Sains Malaysia,
>> 11800 Penang,
>> Malaysia.
>> Tel: +604-6533004
>> www.nav6.org
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