[LAC-TF] "IPv6 Action Plan and Milestones in Japan"

Ing. Oscar Torres oscar.torres at utp.ac.pa
Fri Jan 22 17:56:14 BRST 2010

Gracias Azael por el enlace

Ing. Oscar Torres
Tel. (507) 560-3230
Fax. (507) 560-3148
Cel. (507) 6586-0370
Jefe de Redes y Comunicaciones
Lead Team Network and Telecommunications Department
Departamento de Redes y Comunicaciones
Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
Dirección de Tecnologia de Información y Comunicaciones
NIC-PANAMA - UTP (Network Information Center - Panamá)

Azael Fernandez Alcantara <azael at redes.unam.mx> escribió:

> Buen Dia,
> Les recomiendo consultar el "IPv6 Action Plan and Milestones in Japan"
> ____________________________________
> Azael
> Mexico
> ___________________________________
> Mensaje enviado sin acentos
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 11:30:49 +0900
> From: Takashi Arano <arano at inetcore.com>
> Subject: IPv6 Action Plan and Milestones in Japan
> All,
> Task Force on IPv4 Address Exhaustion, Japan,
> which consists of 19 Internet-related organizations in Japan,
> have developed and distributed a strategic IPv6 deployment plan
> as "Action Plan and Milestones Toward IPv4 Address Exhaustion vewr.2009.10"
> http://www.kokatsu.jp/blog/ipv4/en/data/091005_v4exh_actionplan_en.pdf
> Almost all major Japanese ISPs are now following this plan
> and preparing IPv6 services toward service launch in April 2011
> We hope our local strategy and efforts will be a good input for your
> countries and regions.
> Any questions and comments are welcome.
> Regards,
> Takashi Arano
> Vice-Chair, Task Force on IPv4 Address Exhaustion, Japan,
> _______________________________________________
> LACTF mailing list
> LACTF at lacnic.net
> https://mail.lacnic.net/mailman/listinfo/lactf

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