[LAC-TF] IPv6 news - weekly summary

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Sun Jan 16 19:53:57 BRST 2011

Main News:
Major Websites Commit to 24-Hour Test Flight for IPv6
Los Principales Sitios Web se Comprometen a una Prueba Masiva de 24 Horas

Other News:
Internet Engineering Task Force turns 25

Disappearing IP addresses ‹ the latest panic in tech

Telecom Ministry to constitute IPv6 consultants panel

Global test of IPv6 welcomed by Canadian expert

IPv6: Bring on Your Content!

Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf featured in HotLINX24 magazine

Real Help for your Network¹s IPv6 Transition

The big IPv6 experiment


Corporate and Products:
2011 Technology Convergence Conference to Tackle the IT Ecosystem

Open source Wireshark sniffs new 1.4.3 network traffic

Dutch mail server whitelist declares war on botnets today!

ZCorum Announces IPv6 Readiness Testing for ISPs at OPASTCO Winter

NTT WEST Adopts Mu Test Suite for Testing Internet Services

IPv4 is over
Are you ready for the new Internet ?

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