[LAC-TF] IPv6 na Campus Party Brasil

Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo carlosm3011 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 22:42:33 BRST 2011

Excellent news!

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Antonio M. Moreiras <moreiras at nic.br> wrote:
> Google over IPv6 is already enabled in Campus Party Brasil network.
> $ host www.google.com.br
> www.google.com.br is an alias for www.google.com.
> www.google.com is an alias for www.l.google.com.
> www.l.google.com has address
> www.l.google.com has address
> www.l.google.com has address
> www.l.google.com has address
> www.l.google.com has address
> www.l.google.com has address
> www.l.google.com has IPv6 address 2001:4860:b009::68
> $ traceroute -n -6 www.google.com.br
> traceroute to www.google.com.br (2001:4860:b009::68), 30 hops max, 80
> byte packets
>  1  2001:12e0:300:11::X  3.125 ms  3.077 ms  3.041 ms
>  2  * *
>  3  2001:12e0:3ff:ffff::1  0.867 ms
>  4   *
>  5   * *
>  6  2001:1498:1:200::100:2a  142.883 ms 2001:1498:1:200::100:26  153.880
> ms  153.741 ms
>  7  2001:1498:1:200::100:26  153.588 ms 2001:1498:1:200::100:2a  142.317
> ms 2001:1498:1:200::100:26  153.691 ms
>  8  2001:4860::1:0:9ff  151.745 ms  153.840 ms  151.640 ms
>  9  2001:4860::1:0:249f  160.351 ms  160.064 ms  159.986 ms
> 10  2001:4860::2:0:617  160.740 ms 2001:4860::2:0:618  160.801 ms
> 2001:4860::2:0:617  168.224 ms
> 11  2001:4860:0:1::37  158.896 ms  159.906 ms 2001:4860:0:1::35  163.366 ms
> 12  2001:4860:b009::68  179.638 ms  171.711 ms  179.609 ms
> []s
> Antonio M. Moreiras.
> Em 17-01-2011 20:38, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ escreveu:
>> Hi Robson,
>> We did that several years in the Spanish Campus Party. The easier way is
>> to make sure that Google services (including Youtube), are using IPv6. You
>> will notice the traffic !
>> As you may not be peering with Google with IPv6, neither Telefonica (I
>> think), there are several ways to trick the DNS to do so, just google to
>> find them.
>> Regards,
>> Jordi
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: <robson.oliveira at ipv6dobrasil.com>
>> Responder a: <lactf at lac.ipv6tf.org>
>> Fecha: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 22:25:09 +0000
>> Para: <lactf at lac.ipv6tf.org>
>> Asunto: Re: [LAC-TF] IPv6 na Campus Party Brasil
>>> Moreiras,
>>> Would be great to announce an IPv6-enabled services list to all presents
>>> and generate demand over IPv6.
>>> Cheers.
>>> Cumprimentos,
>>> Robson Oliveira - Novos Negócios
>>> IPv6 do Brasil Informática Ltda.
>>> Especialista Microsoft para
>>> Pequenas e Médias Empresas.
>>> Phone Number: +55 11 2679-4786
>>> Mobile Phone:   +55 11 8280-3110
>>> e-mail: robson.oliveira at ipv6dobrasil.com
>>> Web site: http://www.ipv6dobrasil.com
>>> Sent from BlackBerry® Mobile Network
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: "Antonio M. Moreiras" <moreiras at nic.br>
>>> Sender: lactf-bounces at lacnic.net
>>> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 19:03:13
>>> To: <lactf at lac.ipv6tf.org>
>>> Reply-To: lactf at lac.ipv6tf.org
>>> Subject: [LAC-TF] IPv6 na Campus Party Brasil
>>> Compartilho com vocês essa novidade que nos deixou muito alegres por
>>> aqui... A Campus Party, para quem não conhece, é um dos maiores eventos
>>> de tecnologia do mundo, e a edição brasileira será realizada nesta semana.
>>> Em setembro começamos a conversar com o pessoal da organização do evento
>>> sobre a importância de prover IPv6 na rede, fizemos também uma pequena
>>> campanha via twitter fomentada pelos ex-alunos do nosso curso...
>>> Depois de muitas dúvidas, na véspera do início da feira tivemos a
>>> confirmação. Haverá IPv6 na rede.
>>> Para nós é uma grande vitória, pois o evento recebe uma grande cobertura
>>> da imprensa nacional, sendo uma chance ímpar para a divulgação do
>>> protocolo.
>>> --
>>> I would like to share some happy news with you. The Campus Party is one
>>> of the biggest technology events in the world, and the Brazilian edition
>>> will be this week.
>>> Last september we started to talk with the organizers about the
>>> importance of provide IPv6 in the event network. We also organized a
>>> small campaign in twitter, with the alumni of our IPv6 courses.
>>> After many doubts, just now, one day before the event starts, we had the
>>> confirmation. There will be IPv6 in the network.
>>> This is a big stuff for us, because this event receives a huge cover
>>>from the media. It is an unique oportunity to improve the awareness
>>> about the matter.
>>> --
>>> http://blog.campus-party.com.br/index.php/2011/01/17/coletiva-de-imprensa-
>>> da-abertura-da-cpbr4/
>>> http://www6.campus-party.com.br/2011/index.html
>>> http://www6.campus-party.com.br/2011/IPV6.html
>>> []s
>>> Antonio M. Moreiras.
>>> Ipv6.br
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Carlos M. Martinez-Cagnazzo

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