[LAC-TF] RV: Current IPv6 state of US Mobile Phone Carriers

alejandroacostaalamo at gmail.com alejandroacostaalamo at gmail.com
Tue May 22 20:09:59 BRT 2012

   Queria compartir este email en la lista, este tipo de cosas son las que poco a poco haran que IPv6 siga creciendo.


Este mensaje ha sido enviado gracias al servicio BlackBerry de Movilnet

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Porter <paul.porter at gree.co.jp>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 16:00:21 
To: <nanog at nanog.org>
Subject: Current IPv6 state of US Mobile Phone Carriers


I'm looking for some information on the four largest US mobile phone
carriers and the current state of their IPv6 infrastructure. Specifically,
we are trying to figure out:

1.  How much of the carrier core and edge for AT&T, Verizon. T-Mobile, and
Sprint are on IPv6 now?
2.  If, and how, are they handling NAT64 for native IPv6 edge devices?
3. What is the percentage of breakdown for users on native IPv6? Dual

GREE is a mobile social gaming company and we're trying to better
understand what lies between our customer's smart phones and our servers.
My next step will be to reach out to the carriers themselves, but I figured
many of their Network Engineers are probably on the NANOG mailing list and
this would be a great place to start.

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.


- Paul Porter

*Paul G. Porter
*GREE International | Network Engineer
E-mail: paul.porter at gree.net
Mobile: (510) 371-1147
Twitter: paul_g_porter

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