[LAC-TF] OFF TOPIC: Huaweii y ZTE vetadas en EE.UU.

Fernando Gont fernando at gont.com.ar
Tue Oct 9 19:05:54 BRT 2012


El articulo no refleja lo que dice el subject de este mail, sino que,
bsicamente, el concreso no recomienda productos de dichos fabricantes
para el propio gobierno.

Ajeno a eso:

The Gates of the Playboy Mansion

If Coke is a mystery
Michael Jackson... history
If beauty is truth
And surgery the fountain of youth
What am I to do
Have I got the gift to get me through
The gates of that mansion

If OJ is more than a drink
And a Big Mac bigger than you think
If perfume is an obsession
And talk shows, confession
What have we got to lose
Another push and we'll be through
The gates of that mansion

I never bought a Lotto ticket
I never parked in anyone's space
The banks feel like cathedrals
I guess casinos took their place
Love, come on down
Don't wake her, she'll come around

Chance is a kind of religion
Where you're damned for plain hard luck
I never did see that movie
I never did read that book
But love, come on down
And let my numbers come around

Don't know if I can hold on
Don't know if I'm that strong
Don't know if I can wait that long
'Til the colours come flashing
And the lights go on

Then will there be no time for sorrow
Then will there be no time for shame
And though I can't say why
I know I've got to believe

We'll go driving in that pool
It's who you know that gets you through
The gates of the Playboy mansion
But they don't mention... the pain to reach

Then will there be no time for sorrow
Then will there be no time for shame
Then will there be no time for sorrow

P.S.: Cada uno que "lea entre lineas" lo que quiera leer :-)

Un abrazo,

On 10/09/2012 10:16 PM, alberto paz wrote:
> hace una semana venia viendo en diferentes news que me llegan a mi
> casilla los nombres de esta empresas ... pero no les preste atencion
> ... hoy levante una nota para ver que pasaba con tanta mension ... y
> me encontre con esto...
> EEUU: ZTE y Huawei "amenazan" la seguridad
> http://america.infobae.com/notas/59377-EEUU-ZTE-y-Huawei-amenazan-la-seguridad-
> informe de 60 minutos en la TV americana
> http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7424702n
> Atte
> AP
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Fernando Gont
e-mail: fernando at gont.com.ar || fgont at si6networks.com
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