[LAC-TF] [LACNIC/Seguridad] Fwd: Re: [OPSEC] Call for Adoption: draft-gont-opsec-ipv6-nd-security-01

Fernando Gont fgont at si6networks.com
Thu Sep 19 19:06:54 BRT 2013

Comentarios enviados a opsec at ietf.org serán agradecidos, ya que ahí es
donde se toman las decisiones! ;-)


On 09/19/2013 06:24 PM, Carlos Vera Quintana wrote:
> Excelente y necesario!
> Carlos Vera Quintana
> 0988141143
> Sígueme @cveraq
>> El 19/09/2013, a las 16:15, Fernando Gont <fgont at si6networks.com> escribió:
>> FYI.
>> El opsec wg está siendo poll'eado (*) para la adopción de este
>> documento, que en lineas generales provee recomendaciones para evitar
>> toooda una serie de problemas relacionados con la implementaciń de IPv6
>> Neighbor Discovery.
>> Quienes deseen paticipar de la decisión, envien sus comentarios a
>> opsec at ietf.org, y CC'enme (fgont at si6networks.com).
>> La idea es intentar mejorar la madurez de las implementaciones de ND en
>> el menor tiempo posible.
>> P.S.: SIempre está la opción de no hacer nada, y quejarse cuando se
>> publican "exploits"
>> (*) la terminologia de este mail ha hecho resucitar a Borges... solo
>> para cometer suicidio :-)
>> Saludos cordiales,
>> Fernando
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [OPSEC] Call for Adoption: draft-gont-opsec-ipv6-nd-security-01
>> Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:01:21 -0400
>> From: Warren Kumari <warren at kumari.net>
>> To: OpSec at ietf.org <OpSec at ietf.org>,
>> draft-gont-opsec-ipv6-nd-security-01 at tools.ietf.org
>> CC: Warren Kumari <warren at kumari.net>
>> A reminder that this adoption call is ongoing…
>> Please review the draft and comment if you think that this should be
>> adopted (or not)
>> W
>>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 10:17 AM, Warren Kumari <warren at kumari.net> wrote:
>>> Dear OpSec WG,
>>> This starts a Call for Adoption for draft-gont-opsec-ipv6-nd-security-01.
>>> The draft is available here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-gont-opsec-ipv6-nd-security-01/
>>> Please review this draft to see if you think it is suitable for adoption by OpSec,
>>> and comments to the list, clearly stating your view.
>>> Please also indicate if you are willing to contribute text, review, etc.
>>> This WGLC ends Wed 25-Sep-2013.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Warren Kumari
>>> (as OpSec WG co-chair)
>>> --
>>> After you'd known Christine for any length of time, you found yourself fighting a desire to look into her ear to see if you could spot daylight coming the other way.
>>>   -- (Terry Pratchett, Maskerade)
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>>> OPSEC mailing list
>>> OPSEC at ietf.org
>>> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/opsec
>> -- 
>> "I think it would be a good idea."
>> - Mahatma Ghandi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization
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Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fgont at si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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