[LAC-TF] [ipv6-wg] [request]: host a probe for v6 measurements

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Sat Oct 8 13:46:55 BRT 2016

Hola a todos,

Mi amigo Vaibhav (en copia), está haciendo un estudio, desde hace varios años, acerca de la calidad de servicio de las redes IPv6 residenciales.

Si tenéis servicio IPv6 nativo en vuestras redes (en casa, no está orientado a redes corporativas), y estáis dispuestos a alojar una de los dispositivos que hacen posible este estudio (se trata de un router TP-Link con un software modificado), contactar con él y os indicara si es posible y los pasos.

No hay muchos equipos disponibles, así que se selecciona a los colaboradores en función del orden de llegada de la petición.

Teneis que indicarle:

    - v4 and v6 ASN (or provider name)
    - location (city-level granularity)
    - network type (see above table for an example)
    - shipment address

Contactad con él directamente en privado y en inglés, puesto que no habla castellano.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: ipv6-wg <ipv6-wg-bounces at ripe.net> en nombre de "Bajpai, Vaibhav" <v.bajpai at jacobs-university.de>
Responder a: <v.bajpai at jacobs-university.de>
Fecha: viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016, 15:24
Para: ML RIPE <ipv6-wg at ripe.net>
Asunto: [ipv6-wg] [request]: host a probe for v6 measurements

    Dear v6-WG,
    We are (again) looking for volunteers with native IPv6 lines at home to help
    us in our v6 measurement research.
    We are interested in measuring IPv6 performance from home. Our measurement
    tests come bundled with a SamKnows probe.  We currently have ~80 SamKnows
    probes deployed over the globe. The google map [a] shows where these probes
    are currently deployed.
    [a] https://goo.gl/Jhz49o
    |------------------------+------|         |----------+------|
    |  RESIDENTIAL           |  55  |         |  RIPE    |  42  |
    |  NREN / RESEARCH       |  11  |         |  ARIN    |  29  |
    |  BUSINESS / DATACENTER |  09  |         |  APNIC   |  07  |
    |  OPERATOR LAB          |  04  |         |  AFRINIC |  01  |
    |  IXP                   |  01  |         |  LACNIC  |  01  |
    |------------------------+------|         |----------+------|
    This is the distribution of our current deployment by network type and by RIR
    region. Please see [b] for more details:
    [b] http://goo.gl/PwD4yN
    If you receive native IPv6 at home (or know someone who does), it would be
    great if you can host a SamKnows probe for us. The probe will run standard
    SamKnows tests and our IPv6 tests.  We prefer measuring from home networks and
    over a longitudinal period of time (say multiple years). Please see [c] if
    you'd like to learn more about the SamKnows platform.
    [c] http://vaibhavbajpai.com/documents/papers/proceedings/lsmp-comst-2015.pdf
    Let me know if you’re interested, and I can share details on how to get the
    probe to you. We only have limited number of SamKnows probes. We will process
    the requests on first come first serve basis.
    Would be nice if you can share these details in your response:
    - v4 and v6 ASN (or provider name)
    - location (city-level granularity)
    - network type (see above table for an example)
    - shipment address
    Research Impact
    For more details, please see:
    Measuring Web Similarity from Dual-stacked Hosts
    Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) 2016.
    Measuring the Effects of Happy Eyeballs
    Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW) 2016.
    Measuring YouTube from Dual-Stacked Hosts
    Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM) 2015.
    IPv4 versus IPv6 - Who connects faster?
    IFIP Networking Conference 2015.
    Thank you so much for helping us in our research activity.
    -- Vaibhav
    Vaibhav Bajpai
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

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