[LAC-TF] "IPv6 Addressing Considerations" (revised IETF Internet-Draft)

Fernando Gont fgont at si6networks.com
Thu Jun 2 02:54:24 -03 2022

Estimad at s,

Hemos publicado una revision de nuestro IETF I-D: "IPv6 Addressing 
Considerations" (draft-gont-v6ops-ipv6-addressing-considerations-02). El 
mismo se encuentra disponible en: 

El abstract dice:
---- cut here ----
    IPv6 addresses can differ in a number of properties, such as scope,
    stability, and intended usage type.  This document analyzes the
    impact of these properties on aspects such as security, privacy,
    interoperability, and network operations, with the goal of providing
    guidance about IPv6 address usage.  Additionally, it identifies
    challenges and gaps that currently prevent systems and applications
    from leveraging the increased flexibility and availability of IPv6
---- cut here ----

Como verán, el tema da para repensar muchas cosas.

Sus comentarios seran bienvenidos.

Saludos cordiales, y gracias!
Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fgont at si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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