[Napla] Fw: Re: Inicio de intercambio de mensajes / Estado ac tual de la lista

Adonaylo, Gabriel Gabriel.Adonaylo at Comsat.com.ar
Thu Feb 16 00:19:44 BRST 2006

Carlos, Bill y resto de la exquisita audiencia,

Quisiera aportar el trabajo realizado por un consultor del BID allá por
Diciembre de 2003. Seguramente muchos de ustedes lo conocerán ya que para
confeccionar este informe o proyecto ha transitado por muchos de los países
Latinoamericanos y aprendiendo en cada uno de ellos como están constituídos
los NAPs en nuestra región.


Dos comentarios al respecto: Seguramente contiene errores, como todo trabajo
de investigación, es dificil encontrar la perfección y objetividad total.
Por otro lado seguramente está desactualizado por tener poco más de dos


Gabriel Adonaylo
Regional IP Product Manager
Comsat International
mail to: gabriel.adonaylo at comsat.com.ar
Direct: +54-11-5354-6196 - Cell: +54-911-5452-1038
Nextel: 142*3434 - Skype: gadonay

-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Silva @ csilva.net [mailto:csilva at csilva.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 6:28 PM
To: napla at lacnic.net
Subject: [Napla] Fw: Re: Inicio de intercambio de mensajes / Estado actual
de la lista

Amigos, por error omití copiar a la lista en mi respuesta
a Bill.


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "Carlos Silva @ csilva.net" <csilva at csilva.net>
To: Bill Woodcock <woody at pch.net>
Sent: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 15:19:38 -0600
Subject: Re: [Napla] Inicio de intercambio de mensajes / Estado actual de la



That's the feedback I've been trying to receive during the last two years
since I wrote the paper!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have no other response than really commiting to a careful review of your
points. At the moment my time is devoted to other activities. But Internet
interconection is really the subject of study I'm focused on and I expect to
produce a new paper by the end of the year. Before that I certainly will
exchange a mail or two with you about the subject.

In the meantime:

a) Sorry for ignoring this I'd never seen distinct definitions for IXP and
NAP, would you point me to some referencea?
b) There is a full list of references at the end of the paper for sources
about actual NAPs deployed, but gime me a couple of weeks and I'll give you 
more detail. I'm glad to see interest in maintaining an updated list.

Best Regards


On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 13:03:22 -0800 (PST), Bill Woodcock wrote
> First, my usual apology for replying in English.  My Spanish is
> quite rudimentary, and would be insufficient to convey my thoughts here.
> I'm very much enjoying reading your paper.
> Your stance vis a vis QoS is not clear...  You seem to be suggesting
> that it will enjoy some success in the future.  Is that in fact your 
> position?  And if so, can you elaborate somewhat on your reasons?
> I'm also not quite clear on the nature of your disagreement with
> Andrew Odlyzko.  That may be a language issue, for which you have my 
> apology. In any event, if you say you have a disagreement with 
> Andrew, that will raise many people's critical scrutiny, and you 
> should probably be prepared to both be very clear, and to defend 
> what you're saying.  It would also be worthwhile speaking with 
> Andrew directly, if you haven't already, to make sure that you're 
> not misinterpreting what he's intending to say.
> Your points regarding a likely future in which metered-rate billing
> will become more predominant seem very well-made and well-supported.
> In discussing the formation of the NAPs, you might mention that the
> MAE in Washington slightly pre-dated the NII NAPs, and was 
> "grandfathered in" to the plan, unlike the others.  Its creation was 
> not promoted by the NSF, like the other three.  Also, you have a 
> couple of translation errors in that paragraph...  "NFS" and "MAE Center."
> Throughout, you use the Latin American construction of "NAP" as
> equivalent to IXP, as well as literally as NAP, and since NAP and 
> IXP are not themselves equivalent in meaning, this construction is 
> unlikely to be understood in the sense that you mean it, by readers 
> outside of Latin America.  About two-thirds of the way through the 
> paper, you explicitly say "The ability to connect at local IXP's 
> (sic) (Inter (sic) eXchange Points, i.e. NAP's(sic))" which would be 
> pretty universally recognized as factually incorrect.  So that 
> should probably be disambiguated throughout, with the standard usage 
> of IXP where you mean IXP, and NAP only where you literally mean NAP,
>  rather than where you mean IXP.
> Your assertion that no Latin America operator is of sufficient scale,  
> particularly relative to US or European operators, to make extra- 
> regional acquisitions could be disputed, I think...  Telmex is 
> certainly of sufficient scale, and was in fact in acquisitions talks 
> with XO, a major US "tier 1" carrier, at one point.
> You list the following quantities of IXPs in Latin American countries:
>    Brazil: 8
>   Ecuador: 2
> Argentina: 1
>  Colombia: 1
>      Cuba: 1
>     Chile: 1
>      Peru: 1
>    Panama: 1
>  Paraguay: 1
> I'd very much like to compare notes, as I'm only aware of five
> actually in operation in Brazil, would dispute the interpretation of 
> ETECSA's transit service as an IXP based on what information I've 
> had from them about it, but would be happy to learn otherwise...  Is 
> the Nicaraguan IX in Managua not actually in operation?  I show that 
> it had ten participants in April of 2004...  Also, there are two in 
> Equador, to the best of my knowledge: one in Quito with six 
> participants, and one in Guayaquil with six participants.  In 
> addition, I have heard rumors of two other exchanges in Panama, and 
> one other in Argentina, one other in Chile, and one other in 
> Colombia, all of which would be useful to put to rest, if possible.  
> Since you don't cite your sources for your list of IXPs, and it 
> clearly wasn't coming from our directory, I'd be very curious as to 
> where your information was coming from, so I can check any 
> discrepancies and update our directory where necessary.
> All in all, this is an excellent paper, and I'm very happy to see
> it.  Please let me know if I or my staff can be of any help in 
> running down references or figures.
>                                 -Bill


csilva at csilva.net
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