[Napla] Resoluciones de gobiernos de interes.

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Thu Mar 9 21:01:23 BRT 2006

      On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Ricardo Presta wrote:
    > Según este mail Brasil utiliza el 98,5% para conectarse con USA y el 1% para 
    > Argentina, esto significa que :
    > 1) O no existe prácticamente intercambio entre Brasil y el resto del mundo 
    > ( medio dudoso)
    > 2) O el Brasil está generando grandes demoras a sus usuarios y pagando sumas 
    > muy altas para llegar al resto de los países de la región importando ancho 
    > de banda a un solo país para desde allí llegar al resto.

Yes, it's quite likely that there's a significant volume of 
Brazil-Argentina traffic flowing through Miami.  The path forward is not 
for IXes to try to supplant ISPs, but instead for ISPs to begin doing 
financial analysis of their traffic routing.  This begins with netflow 
analysis.  Which I _strongly encourage_ people to being doing.  We have 
some tools and we can give advice on how to perform this analysis.  But 
it's definitely the first step.  Carlos has shown the status quo in terms 
of _capacity_, but now we need to know _utilization_, in order to make the 
capacity available where the utilization is occurring.


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