[LACNIC/Napla] Problemas acceso a peeringdb

Humberto Galiza humbertogaliza at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 18:36:30 BRT 2015


It's quite strange...
Another resource you can try is the Nanog list (if you aren't
subscribed to it please let me know, so I can try to reach somebody on
your behalf).

Humberto Galiza

2015-03-05 18:33 GMT-03:00 Fabián Mejía <ing.fabianmejia at gmail.com>:
> Hello
> Yes I have tried  support at peeringdb.com, but I did not have success.  I just
> saw in facebook another case like mine.  Somebody sent me an email address
> (in private).  I will share the information if I have success.
> Saludos,
> Fabián Mejía
> El 2015-03-05 a las 15:47, Humberto Galiza escribió:
>> Fabian,
>> Have you tried support at peeringdb.com ?
>> They used to be very responsive when I asked for help.
>> []s!
>> Humberto Galiza
>> 2015-03-05 15:10 GMT-03:00 Miguel Angel Cantú Sauceda
>> <mcantusa at alestra.com.mx>:
>>> De seguro ya lo viste ..
>>> https://www.facebook.com/peeringdb
>>> alestra*
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Miguel Ángel Cantú Sauceda
>>> Soporte y  Especialista Seguridad Datos&IP.
>>> Support & Security Specialist Data&IP.
>>> Tier III | (T3/L3).
>>> +52 ( 81 ) 8748-6191
>>> mcantusa at alestra.com.mx
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Sent from Relay State:local|[-o-]|  mike cantu @ alestra*
>>>            ___________                 _-_
>>>             \__(==/_=_/    ____.---'-_--`---.___
>>>                           \_\    \----._________.----/
>>>                       mc      \  \   /  /    `-_-'
>>>                                  ,-`.`-'..'-_
>>>                        ...../___            ||      Operations | alestra*
>>>                                 `--.____,-'          Tier III | (T3/L3)
>>>   ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░      m.a.c.s. | mc      ░ ▒▓█▇▆▅▃▂
>>> .......................................................................................................................
>>> https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikecantu
>>> Skype:miguel.angel.cantu.megaoff
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Napla [mailto:napla-bounces at lacnic.net] On Behalf Of Fabián Mejía
>>> Sent: jueves, 05 de marzo de 2015 12:00 p.m.
>>> To: napla at lacnic.net
>>> Subject: [LACNIC/Napla] Problemas acceso a peeringdb
>>> Hola lista
>>> Desde hace tiempo he tratado de rehabilitar una cuenta en peeringdb.com y
>>> actualizar la información de cierto ASN, pero ha sido una tarea sin
>>> resultados.  Nadie responde en la dirección de soporte y tampoco tengo
>>> resultados positivos con la opción de resetear el password.
>>> Saben de algún "humano" que esté a cargo de ese proyecto que pueda
>>> ayudar.
>>> De paso deseo realizar una consulta:  ¿cual ha sido la experiencia que
>>> han tenido con peeringdb.com?
>>> Saludos,
>>> Fabián Mejía
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