[LACNIC/Seguridad] [Ietf-lac] FW: [OPSEC] Revised Charter Text

Arturo Servin aservin en lacnic.net
Vie Jun 14 00:26:30 BRT 2013

	Gracias Alvaro por hacernos notar la propuesta de cambio de charter de

	Opsec para mi es un WG bastante valioso por su caracter operativo. Yo
invito a los que esten interesados en temas de seguridad a unirse a la
lista de opsec.


On 6/13/13 4:33 PM, Alvaro Retana (aretana) wrote:
> Hola!
> El grupo de trabajo de 'Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network
> Infrastructure' del IETF esta en el proceso de reestructurar sus
> objetivos (ver abajo).  Los cambios son mínimos, pero pienso que podría
> ser interesante para este grupo.
> Alvaro.
> On 6/13/13 10:59 AM, "KK" <kk en google.com <mailto:kk en google.com>> wrote:
>     Dear All,
>     The chairs in conjunction with our AD, Joel, recently worked on a
>     draft revision to our charter text. The changes in this revision are
>     mostly related to elaborating on the type of documents this WG
>     produces along with some minor wordsmithing here and there. 
>     We would like to get you to review the text and provide comments.
>     Please have a read and voice an opinion one way or the other. If we
>     don't hear any objections by June 30th, we'll assume you love it and
>     proceed.
>     Thanks,
>     KK, Gunter, Warren
>     P.S. The current version of the charter can be found
>     at http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/opsec/charter/
>     **********
>     Proposed Revised OPSEC Charter:
>     """
>     Goals:
>     The OPSEC WG will document operational issues and best current
>     practices with regard to network security. In particular, efforts
>     will be made to clarify the rationale supporting current operational
>     practice, address gaps in currently understood best practices for
>     forwarding, control plane, and management plane security and clarify
>     liabilities inherent in security practices where they exist.
>     Scope:
>     The scope of the OPSEC WG is intended to include the protection and
>     secure operation of the forwarding, control and management planes.
>     Documentation of operational issues, revision of existing operational
>     security practices documents and proposals for new approaches to
>     operational challenges related to network security are in scope.
>     Method:
>     It is expected that the product of the working group will result in
>     the publication of informational or BCP RFCs. Taxonomy or problem
>     statement documents may provide a basis for such documents.
>     Informational or Best Current Practices Document
>     For each topic addressed, a document that attempts to capture common
>     practices related to secure network operation will be produced. This
>     will be primarily based on operational experience. A document might
>     convey:
>     * a threat or threats to be addressed
>     * current practices for addressing the threat
>     * protocols, tools and technologies extant at the time of writing
>     that are used to address the threat
>     * the possibility that a solution does not exist within existing
>     tools or technologies
>     Taxonomy and Problem Statement Documents
>     A document which attempts to describe the scope of particular
>     operational security challenge or problem space without necessarily
>     coming to a conclusion or proposing a solution. Such a document might
>     be a precursor to an informational or best current practices document.
>     While the principal input of the working group is operational
>     experience and needs, the output should be directed towards
>     providing guidance to the operators community, other working groups
>     that develop
>     protocols or the community of protocol developers at large and
>     implementers of these protocols.
>     Non-Goals:
>     The OPSEC WG is not the place to do new protocols. New protocol work
>     should be addressed in a working group chartered in the appropriate
>     area or as individual submissions. The OPSEC WG may take on
>     documents related to the practices of using such work.
>     """
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