[LACNIC/Seguridad] Posibles preparativos para LACSEC 2014
Fernando Gont
fgont en si6networks.com
Mar Abr 8 13:53:02 BRT 2014
How about if, in addition to this, we organize a PGP signing party?
One might argue that while "party", they are not fun :-).. but there's
some interesting stuff... like some who tried to "outsource" (?) their
representation in the pgp signing party (!?!?) such that they were able
to be able to talk to people a few meters from us... and folks like me,
who after going through all the
hassle, never sent the signatures (sigh)...
Cheers, (and thanks!)
On 04/08/2014 01:42 PM, Rodrigo Rubira Branco (BSDaemon) wrote:
> Fernando,
> I'm an assurer for CACERT.org... We need to assurers to sign
> someone's key, so maybe there are others in the list that will go
> to the conference?
> If anyone wants, find me in the conference with two photo IDs and
> I'll be glad to assure you.
> Best Regards,
> Rodrigo (BSDaemon) https://twitter.com/bsdaemon
> On 4/8/14, 8:28, Fernando Gont wrote:
>> Estimados,
>> Algunas cosas para ir haciendo:
>> * Imprimir tarjetas personales con el PGP fingerprint -- es
>> bueno aprovechar la posibilidad de intercambiar fingerprints de
>> manera segura. Para quien no tenga llaves PGP, es buen momento
>> para crearlas. :-)
>> * Tenemos un grupo de LinkedIn para seguridad en lacnic.net/LACSEC,
>> que basicamente lo usamos para que, si desean agregar gente de
>> esta lista o del evento como contactos, no tengan que ndicar que
>> "son amigos" ;-). El grupo en cuestión está disponible en:
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=3754525>
>> Saludos cordiales,
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Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fgont en si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492
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