[LACNIC/Seguridad] Costa Rica LACNIC/FIRST TC Save the date/Call for speakers - 26th Set.

Fernando Gont fgont en si6networks.com
Lun Ago 22 18:48:15 BRT 2016

Hola, Graciela,

Pregunta: el CFP es solo para miembros de FIRST, o para la comunidad en

Slds, y gracias!

On 08/03/2016 03:06 PM, Graciela Martinez wrote:
> Dear Teams,
> We'd like to announce a "Save the Date" and "Call for Speakers" for the FIRST Technical Colloquium to be held in San José de Costa Rica, hosted
> by NIC Costa Rica and CERT.br, and sponsored by LACNIC.
> The TC will take place on Monday September 26th.
> Building upon the success of the last year Bogota TC, it will be co-located with LACNIC 26 / LACNOG 2016.
> - There will be NO registration fee;
> - TC attendees will also be able to attend LACNIC 26/ LACNOG 2016 for
>   FREE -- LACNIC is graciously waiving the Conference fee for anyone
>   that also attends the TC;
> - The TC will be open for attendance by non members.
> Web page:
> https://www.first.org/events/colloquia/sanjose2016
> Registration form:
> https://registration.first.org/registration/2016/sanjosetc
> A list of recommended hotels and the agenda of the co-located events are available at this page: 
> http://www.lacnic.net/web/eventos/lacnic26
> We are seeking FIRST members interested in presenting during the TC.
> Some suggested topics are as follows:
>    * Lessons learned, case studies, etc.
>    * Attack trend updates (malware, bots, DDoS, etc)
>    * DNS, IPv6 and routing security
>    * Privacy and data protection (issues to consider, regulation, case
>      studies)
>    * Impact of data breaches and data protection regulation in
>      Incident Response
>    * Incident response tools, trends and security technologies
>    * Internet of Things
>    * Other topics relevant to incident response
> The public is exptected to be comprised of FIRST members, CSIRTs from
> the Latin American and Caribbean Region that are not members yet, plus
> network operators and security professionals from the LAC region.
> For your submission, please provide the following information to sanjose-tc en first.org <mailto:bogota-tc en first.org>:
> - Title
> - Brief Summary (Abstract)
> - Presenter's Name, Affiliation and short Bio
> - Estimated Time
> Thank you,
> Costa Rica LACNIC/FIRST Organization
> /LACNIC - www.lacnic.net <http://www.lacnic.net> Latin American and
> Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry/
> -- 
>       A.C. Graciela Martínez Giordano
> *Coordinadora WARP*
> WARP Coordinator
> /LACNIC - www.lacnic.net <http://www.lacnic.net>
> Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry/
> _______________________________________________
> Seguridad mailing list
> Seguridad en lacnic.net
> https://mail.lacnic.net/mailman/listinfo/seguridad

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fgont en si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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