[LACNIC/Anuncios] Reminder: offer of financial assistance for LAC events 2012

Alexandra Dans alexandra at lacnic.net
Wed Dec 14 13:33:39 BRST 2011


LACNIC will offer financial assistance for conducting a limited number 
of events that will contribute to Internet development and stability 
within the region of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

Those organizations interested in receiving financial assistance for an 
event to be organized during 2012 must complete the form (available 
online) and send it to proyectos at lacnic.net 
<mailto:proyectos at lacnic.net>, filling out the required fields before 
*WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 28, 2011 (19:00 UTC)*. Applications received after 
the deadline will not be considered.

LACNIC will publish the list of the initiatives that have been selected 
on *MONDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2012*. LACNIC reserves the right to select the 
initiatives it considers most appropriate for receiving financial 
support, and is not obliged to justify the results of this selection in 
any way. Depending on the number of applications received and the 
resources available, LACNIC reserves the right to approve contributions 
lower than those requested, which will be duly agreed with the applicants.

For more information about the Selection Criteria and to download the 
Form, please visit: 

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