[Bolivia-nog] LACNOG Session on LACNIC 27

Lia Solis lsolis en entelnet.bo
Vie Mayo 19 15:48:15 BRT 2017


>>> LACNOG Session on LACNIC 27 (next week!!!!)

Save the date: 05-26-2017

This year we have our first (small) meeting on 05-26-2017 at LACNIC 27 in
Foz do Iguaçu in Brazil. We will talk about our Task Forces such as
IETF-LAC, BCOPs, IoT, Peering Forum, NOGs, Training and DNS.

We will have the participation of APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information
Centre), Facebook, Netflix, ABRINT (representing +2500 ISPs and ASNs) and

The APNIC will talk about IPv6, DNSSEC, Root Zone KSK, we will have a
moderated panel on the current and future situation on Interconnection and
CDNs in the regions of Latin America, Central America and the Caribbean with
Facebook, Netflix, IX.br and ABRINT focusing on small and medium ISPs and
how to interconnect the entire region.

We will have a specific presentation with the Facebook Network Engineering
Team about Evolution of Datacenter Network Architecture.

Also we have LACNOG DNS Working Group meeting
22 May 16:30 - 17:00
This is a new working group and this will be an strategy meeting and get to
know the members
Iguazu IV


I hope that all interested parties can participate, even remotely because
there will be live broadcast and prepare for LACNOG 2017 in September/2017.

PS: During every week at LACNIC 27 we will have many ICANN community members
(SO/ACs and LAC WGs) as well as ICANN staff, including CEO Göran Marby and
many fellows ... this is a great place for engagement.


Rogerio Mariano

Directorio LACNOG



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