[Ietf-lac] Code of Conduct for routing security and resilience

Christian O'Flaherty oflaherty at isoc.org
Tue Jul 16 17:51:14 BRT 2013

Estimados participantes del próximo IETF: 

En Berlin se hará una reunión entre los operadores interesados en ruteo con el objetivo de armar un documento con recomendaciones (para conseguir estabilidad, seguridad, robustez, etc.). Esto tiene alguna relación con el proyecto de BCOPs que presentamos en la sesión Lacnog en Medellín. 

Si estarán en Berlin y son operadores o conocen algún operador interesado en participar, pueden ponerse en contacto conmigo para agregarlos a la lista. No estaré en Berlin pero los acompañaré desde lejos.



>> *Code of Conduct for routing security and resilience*
>> The open and global nature of the Internet, built on open standards,
>> voluntary collaboration, permission-free innovation and global reach has
>> enabled remarkable social and economic advancement in ways that we could
>> never have imagined. The world economy, our social and personal lives
>> depend on it stronger than ever.
>> This makes security and resilience of the Internet Infrastructure a
>> critical issue for all - the governments, users and the industry.
>> Security and resilience of the global routing system is an important
>> part of it.
>> The Internet, with its high degree of interconnection and dependencies,
>> brings another dimension to this matter:
>> - No one organization can resolve this issue by itself, the level of
>> security and resilience of other players matters.
>> - Not only the protection of organization's own assets and
>> infrastructure, but management of risks that an organization (by its
>> action or inaction) itself presents to the Internet ecosystem becomes
>> equally important.
>> - Some risks need to be managed by more than one actor. This is the
>> notion of collective and shared risk management.
>> Throughout the history of the Internet, collaboration among participants
>> and shared responsibility for its smooth operation, have been two of the
>> pillars supporting the Internet’s tremendous growth and success, as well
>> as its security and resilience.
>> It seems that capturing this collaborative spirit in a document that can
>> provide guidance to network operators in addressing issues of security
>> and resilience of the global Internet routing system as well as document
>> commitment of the industry leaders to this practice, would be a valuable
>> and impactful effort.
>> We propose to call this document a "Code of Conduct for routing security
>> and resilience".
>> *Preliminary meeting*
>> During the IETF week in Berlin, a lunch meeting will be organized by the
>> Internet Society to discuss various aspects of the Code, in particular:
>> objectives, scope, key messages, as well as the way to proceed with this
>> effort. The meeting will take place at the InterContinental Berlin on 31
>> July 2013, 11:45-13:00.

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