[Ietf-lac] FW: [Yang-coord] NETCONF, YANG, pyang tutorials posted

Alvaro Retana (aretana) aretana at cisco.com
Thu Nov 19 20:55:19 BRST 2015


Una buena forma de ponerse al día con NETCONF/YANG.


On 11/19/15, 12:34 PM, "Yang-coord on behalf of Benoit Claise (bclaise)" <yang-coord-bounces at ietf.org<mailto:yang-coord-bounces at ietf.org> on behalf of bclaise at cisco.com<mailto:bclaise at cisco.com>> wrote:

Dear all,

The tutorial materials is now posted.

Videos on youtube:
- YANG by Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhYZhbANiwE
- NETCONF by Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7fb11dLztA
- PYANG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPFTzgdYDw0

http://ietf.org/edu/technical-tutorials.html#netconfandyang contains:
    - the slides
    - the Meetecho video downloads

Thanks to the EDU and Meetecho teams.
Thanks to Carl and Lada for the great presentations.

Note: Lada's slides on pyang will posted soon.

Regards, Benoit (for the YANG Model Coordination Group)<http://www.ietf.org/iesg/directorate/yang-model-coordination-group.html>

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