[Ietf-lac] Registro al IETF (Buenos Aires)

Alvaro Retana (aretana) aretana at cisco.com
Tue Mar 22 10:32:32 BRT 2016


Les quiero recordar que esta semana vence el plazo para registrarse al IETF y pagar la tarifa reducida - si van a participar de todo el evento en persona.  Es importante que todos los que vayan a participar, ya sea en persona o remotamente, se registren.  No hay costo por participar remotamente.




  1.  Registration fee:
     *   Early-Bird: $700 USD, if paid in full prior to 2359 UTC March 25, 2016.
     *   Late: $875 USD if paid after Early-Bird cutoff date and time.
     *   One Day Pass: $375 USD (Includes access to any one day of meeting sessions and breaks, plus the Sunday Tutorials & Reception, and the Plenaries).
     *   Full-time students: $150 USD with on-site proof of ID.
     *   Remote Participants: No fee.
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