[Ietf-lac] Fwd: IETF 6lo Lab (was Re: [Mentoring-coordinators] IETF Remote Mentoring : Internet Draft Review Teams : 6lo / 6tisch)

Christian O'Flaherty oflaherty at isoc.org
Mon May 9 15:26:58 BRT 2016

Hola, relacionado con mi email anterior… existe una posibilidad similar para los interesados en IoT (ver email de abajo)

Podemos ayudarlos a crear un LAB para estas pruebas o podemos armar un LAB para que usen en forma remota.

Los que quieran comenzar a trabajar en estos temas (IoT o TLS) pueden contactarnos off-list.



What we were thinking is to start setting up IETF labs.  I am a very hands-on person.  I know for myself, if I don't see packets flowing & can't pull cables, etc, it is much harder for me to learn.

So, with that thought in mind, we are trying to use two WGs as a Pilot project.   The 6lo / 6tisch, etc area is one.  (TLS is the other.)

We may be able to set up labs in India and Latin America.  I am adding the Latin American contingent to this email chain.

This is a separate discussion from the Internet Draft Review teams.

So, the discussion has to be:

1.  Configuration
2.  Access
3. Timeline


So, what are your thoughts on this?  Are there any other people we should involve?

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