[Ietf-lac] Vendors e IETF (Fwd: We don't seem to be following our processes (Re: Network Programming - Penultimate Segment Popping))

Fernando Gont fgont at si6networks.com
Thu Dec 5 19:42:00 -02 2019


Este es el juego que muchas veces juegan los grandes vendors en IETF.

Para que vena que cuando uno dice algo, lo dice por algo.

Quien sea que tenga ganas de realmente promover la participación de la
gente de IETF, deberia intentar combatir este tipo de cosa.

Ya que el latino promedio que intenta contribuir a IETF, lo unico que
obtiene de esto es una experiencia negativa, y ganas de no participar
nunca mas.

Saludos a todos,

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: We don't seem to be following our processes (Re: Network
Programming - Penultimate Segment Popping)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 18:32:09 -0300
From: Fernando Gont <fgont at si6networks.com>
To: otroan at employees.org, Ron Bonica <rbonica at juniper.net>
CC: SPRING WG <spring at ietf.org>, 6man <6man at ietf.org>, int-ads at ietf.org
<int-ads at ietf.org>, rtg-ads <rtg-ads at tools.ietf.org>


On 5/12/19 18:16, otroan at employees.org wrote:
> Ron,
>> Point taken. Could you comment on the current state of WG consensus?
> The working group session in Singapore ended with what appeared to be a view that we should continue work on both documents (Mark's and the Voyer draft).
> For the state of the wg consensus, I haven't checked with Bob, but I think he will agree with it being classified as "evolving".

I polled you about this decision
(https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ipv6/12Qwp_eeQT2EmbUrSxBLL5HTcnM), and
you never responded.

Suresh (INT AD) clarified this one list, here:

Suresh noted that there wasn't consensus call, even at the f2f meeting
(not to mention that the list was never polled in this respect).

I would say that it seems we have not been following the processes that
should be followed. This has happened repeatedly over time, for this
very same topic. The process seems to be biased, and thus unfair to the
rest of the wg participants.

Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fgont at si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492


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