[Ietf-lac] Fwd: Reminder: Call for Papers: COVID-19 Network Impacts Workshop

Juliana Guerra juliana at derechosdigitales.org
Fri Sep 25 13:33:41 -03 2020

Buen día, ¿alguien aquí está preparando algo para este evento? ¿O tienen
algo publicado al respecto?

Me interesaría mucho leerles. Muchas gracias y buen día.

Juliana Guerra

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Reminder: Call for Papers: COVID-19 Network Impacts Workshop
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 2020 09:20:07 -0700
From: IAB Executive Administrative Manager <execd at iab.org>
Reply-To: covidimpacts-workshop-pc at iab.org
To: IETF Announcement List <ietf-announce at ietf.org>
CC: ietf at ietf.org

COVID-19 Network Impacts Workshop

An Internet Architecture Board virtual workshop

Web page:

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on people's lives and
the societies and economies around the globe. But it also had big impact
on networking. With large numbers of people working from home or
otherwise depending on the network for their daily lives, network
traffic has surged.  Internet service providers and operators have
reported 20% traffic growth or more in a matter of weeks. Traffic in
Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) is similarly on the rise. Most forms of
network traffic have seen an increase, with conversational multimedia
traffic growing in some cases more than 200%. And user time spent on
conferencing services has risen by an order of magnitude on some
conferencing platforms.

In general, the Internet has coped relatively well with this traffic
growth. The situation is not perfect: there has also been some outages,
video quality reduction, and other issues. Nevertheless, it is
interesting to see how the technology, operators and service providers
have been able to respond to large changes in traffic patterns.

Understanding what actually happened with Internet traffic is of course
interesting by its own right. How that impacted user experience, or the
intended function of the services is equally interesting. Measurements
and reports of traffic situation from 2020 are therefore valuable. But
it would also be interesting to understand what types of network
management and capacity expansion actions were taken in general.
Anecdotal evidence points to Internet and service providers tracking how
their services are used, and in many cases adjusting services to
accommodate the new traffic patterns, from dynamic allocation of compute
resources to more complex changes.

The impacts of this crisis are also a potential opportunity to
understand the impact of traffic shifts and growth more generally, or to
prepare for future situations -- crisis or otherwise - that impact
networking. Or even allow us to adjust the technology to be even better
suited to respond to changes.

The IAB is holding this workshop to convene interested researchers,
network operators, and network management experts, and Internet
technologists to share their experiences. The scope of  the workshop

- measurements about traffic changes, user experience, service
performance, and other relevant aspects
- discussion about the behind the scenes network management and
expansion activities
- experiences in the fields of general Internet connectivity,
conferencing, media/entertainment, and Internet infrastructure
- lessons learned for preparedness and operations
- lessons learned for Internet technology and architecture

Interested participants are invited to submit position papers on the
workshop topics. The position papers form the background for actual
discussions in the workshop. The workshop itself will be virtual
meeting, focused on discussions based on the input rather than go
through each submitted paper.

The workshop virtual meeting consists of several sessions dedicated to
specific topics, such as operations experience, lessons learned on
conferencing technology, or the possible impacts for Internet technology
or architecture. Given the wide breadth of the topics in the workshop,
individual participants may choose to participate the sessions that are
relevant for their experience, but can also follow the full set of sessions.


* Submissions Due: 9 October 2020
* Invitations Issued by: 15 October 2020
* Workshop Date: This is an over the Internet virtual workshop. Several
  sessions will  be scheduled for the different topics on the week of
November 9, 2020, based on input from the participants.

The Program Committee members are Jari Arkko (IAB, Ericsson), Stephen
Farrell (IAB, Trinity College Dublin), Cullen Jennings (IAB, Cisco),
Colin Perkins (IRTF, University of Glasgow), Ben Campbell (IAB,
independent consultant), and Mirja Kühlewind (IAB, Ericsson).

Send Submissions to: covidimpacts-workshop-pc at iab.org

Position papers from academia, industry and others that focus on
measurements, experiences, observations and advice for future are
welcome. Papers that reflect experience based on deployed services are
especially welcome. The organisers understand that specific actions
taken by operators are unlikely going to be discussed in detail, so
papers discussing general categories of actions and issues without
naming specific technologies, products, or other players in the
ecosystem fit well in this category as well. Papers that are proposals
for technology solutions are less useful, and can simply be submitted as
Internet-Drafts and discussed on relevant IETF lists.

The workshop will be by invitation only. Those wishing to attend should
submit a position paper to the address above; this may take the form of
an Internet-Draft.

All inputs submitted and considered relevant will be published on the
workshop web page. The organisers will decide whom to invite based on
the submissions received. Sessions will be organized according to
content, and not every accepted submission or invited attendee will have
an opportunity to present as the intent is to foster discussion and not
simply to have a sequence of presentations.

Position papers from those not planning to attend the virtual sessions
themselves are also encouraged. A workshop report will be published

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