[Ietf-lac] IETF inclusivo :-) (Fwd: Re: [Gendispatch] draft charter text: terminology-related WG)

Fernando Gont fgont at si6networks.com
Fri Feb 12 19:22:04 -03 2021

FWIW, esta es, en esencia, la misma situacion que creo que se presenta 
en la región.

Yo creo que en algo así como 150 generaciones tal vez habremos logrado 
un cambio.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [Gendispatch] draft charter text: terminology-related WG
Date: 12 Feb 2021 15:53:50 -0500
From: John Levine <johnl at taugh.com>
Organization: Taughannock Networks
To: gendispatch at ietf.org
CC: vittorio.bertola at open-xchange.com

In article <968461968.13727.1613122672205 at appsuite-gw1.open-xchange.com> 
you write:
>However, what I really care about is that any effort to improve language inclusiveness is actually inclusive. Whenever this
>discussion comes up, it focuses regularly just on a handful of terms that are deemed offensive to one specific ethnicity in one
>specific country. While of course this is not the intention, this often feels exclusive to people from other countries and other
>ethnicities; this became apparent during some past discussions on the main IETF list.

I share the concern that this is an exercise in which a bunch of
mostly rich white people are trying to guess how people who are not
rich and white might feel. While I agree it is an important topic to
address, it is my strong impression that most of the obvious things
one might do, e.g., making lists of words to avoid, are not actually

Also, wearing my sort-of-RSE hat, whatever we do has to be advice for
document authors, editors, and shepherds.  We cannot ask the production
center to be our language police.


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