[Ietf-lac] Call For Lightning Papers: VIII Workshop Pré-IETF/IRTF (WPIETF 2021) | Online Edition

Michel Bonfim michelsb at ufc.br
Mon May 17 09:59:29 -03 2021



VWPIETF 2021 - VIII Workshop Pré-IETF/IRTF (Online Edition)

http://wpietf.sbc.org.br/lightning.html <http://wpietf.sbc.org.br/>

** Deadline: June 06, 2021**



 The Workshop Pré-IETF/IRTF (WPIETF) is an annual event that aims to foster
and expand the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) presence in Latin
America. The IETF is an international community interested in fulfilling
the mission of defining standards that impact the design, use, and
management of Internet resources (RFC3935

Establishing standards for the Internet is long, complex, and requires
active participation, particularly of students and researchers. There are
many people worldwide actively contributing to the IETF. However, there is
a growing need for more fresh participation.

The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region's attendance has been
relatively low due to many potential candidates not knowing about the IETF
or not having real incentives to participate. To change this reality, a
group of volunteers, emerged from the IETF – LAC group (IETF Latin America
and the Caribbean), created the WPIETF workshop in 2014, aiming to improve
the LAC region presence in the IETF processes. Besides disseminating
information about the IETF, it is important to provide an environment that
allows our technicians, students, and researchers to show their proposals
in advance to any IETF meeting. In this context, the WPIETF is a
technical-scientific forum for setting technicians, students, and
researchers to the IETF, where theoretical and practical works have been
presented, in addition to talks and panels.

In 2021, in its eighth edition, the WPIETF will be held Online in
Florianópolis - SC, in conjunction with the XLI Congresso da Sociedade
Brasileira de Computação (CSBC 2021).


The VIII WPIETF invites practitioners and researchers to submit lightning
papers. Lightning Papers can provide a summary of early, emerging, ongoing
work, or published work. Paper topics should be relevant to at least one of
the seven areas of interest of the IETF <https://www.ietf.org/topics/areas/>
or topics related to the IRTF research groups <https://irtf.org/groups>.

This type of submission will be presented in a short, lightning-talk style.
For a lightning paper to be considered for presentation, please submit an
extended abstract that is no longer than *2 pages*, with a maximum of one
additional page for references only. The text must be written in English,
following the formats (LaTeX and Word) available on the SBC website (download
link <http://tinyurl.com/sbc-template-artigos>). Each paper must be
submitted in PDF via the Web submission form at the JEMS system (link for
submission <https://jems.sbc.org.br/csbc2021_wpietf>).

This extended abstract must include the following information:


   Short abstract (max. 500 characters);

   Work Originality (Justification);

   Work Relevance (Scientific, Technological, Social or Innovation);

   Articles, books, or other products derived from this work;

   How this work applies to IETF/IRTF standardization activities? (RFC
   updates or new draft? Which area? Which Working/Research Group?).

All submitted manuscripts will follow a review process and subsequent
judgment. The steering committee will evaluate the submissions. Submissions
will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength,
significance, and interest, and adequacy to IETF/IRTF standardization

The WPIETF reserves the right to not include in the proceedings the
lightning papers. In this context, the registration of at least one author
of the paper is NOT mandatory.

All lighting papers presented at the WPIETF will have the possibility to be
adapted or complemented, if necessary, and forwarded to the IETF/IRTF, with
adequate support (by the Post-WPIETF Committee). Besides, *the best paper
will be awarded registration at the next IETF Meeting*.

Important Dates:


   Submission deadline: June 06, 2021.

   Notification of acceptance: June 12, 2021.

   Presentation: July 18, 2021.



   Michel Sales Bonfim (UFC - Campus Quixadá, BR) - michelsb at ufc.br


   Simone Ferlin-Reiter (Ericsson AB, Suécia) -
   simone.ferlin-reiter at ericsson.com <simone.ferlin at ericsson.com>

Local Organizing Chair:


   Rafael Obelheiro (UDESC, BR)

Steering Committee:


   Alvaro Retana (Huawei, US)

   Christian O'Flaherty (Internet Society, UY)

   Flávio Rech Wagner (Internet Society, BR)

   Jéferson Campos Nobre (UFRGS, BR)

   Julião Braga (IST, INESC-ID, ULisboa, PT & UPM, BR)

   Leandro Melo de Sales (UFAL, BR)

   Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville (UFRGS, BR)

   Marcelo Santos, (IF SERTÃO-PE, BR)

   Simone Ferlin (Ericsson AB, SE)

Post-WPIETF Committee:

   - Anna Brunström (Karlstad University - Sweden, IETF Chair)
- Colin Perkins (University of Glasgow - Scotland - UK, IETF/IRTF Chair)

Support Committee:


   Jéssica Ribas (UPM, BR)


wpietf2021 at gmail.com

Michel Sales Bonfim
Professor Adjunto - Universidade Federal do Ceará
Quixadá - Ceará - Brasil
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