[Ietf-lac] Fwd: X WPIETF - Call for Lightning Papers

Jéferson Campos Nobre jcnobre at inf.ufrgs.br
Thu Mar 10 12:47:21 -03 2022


Prof. Dr. Jéferson Campos Nobre
Instituto de Informática
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Computação
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Juliao Braga <juliao at braga.eti.br>
Date: Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 7:57 AM
Subject: X WPIETF - Call for Lightning Papers
To: <sbc-l at sbc.org.br>

Call for Lightning Papers


The VIII WPIETF invites practitioners and researchers to submit lightning
papers. *Lightning Papers* can provide a summary of early, emerging,
on-going work, or *published work*. Paper topics should be relevant to at
least one of the seven areas of interest of the IETF
<https://www.ietf.org/topics/areas/> or topics related to the IRTF research
groups <https://irtf.org/groups>.

This type of submission will be presented in a short, lightning-talk style.
For a lightning paper to be considered for presentation, please submit an
extended abstract that is no longer than *2 pages*, with a maximum of one
additional page for references only.The text must be written in *English*,
following the formats (LaTeX and Word) available on the SBC website (download
link <http://tinyurl.com/sbc-template-artigos>). Each paper must be
submitted in *PDF* via the Web submission form at the *JEMS* system (link
for submission <https://jems.sbc.org.br/csbc2021_wpietf>).

This extended abstract must include the following information:

   - Short abstract (max. 500 characters);
   - Work Originality (Justification);
   - Work Relevance (Scientific, Technological, Social or Innovation);
   - Articles, books or other products derived from this work;
   - How this work applies to IETF/IRTF standardization activities? (RFC
   updates or new draft? Which area? Which Working/Research Group?).

All submitted manuscripts will follow a review process and subsequent
judgment. The steering committee will evaluate the submissions. Submissions
will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength,
significance, and interest and adequacy to IETF/IRTF standardization

The WPIETF reserves the right to not include in the proceedings the
lightning papers. In this context, *the registration of at least one author
of the paper is NOT mandatory*.

All lighting papers presented at the WPIETF will have the possibility to be
adapted or complemented, if necessary, and forwarded to the *IETF/IRTF*,
with adequate support (by the *Post-WPIETF Committee*). Besides, *the best
paper will be awarded an registration to the next IETF Meeting*.
Important Dates

   - Paper submission deadline: *March 15, 2022 March 31, 2022*
   - Notification of acceptance: *May 6, 2021*
   - Presentation: *July 31, 2021*


 jcnobre at inf.ufrgs.br <jcnobre at inf.ufrgs.br>  juliao.braga at ufabc.edu.br
<juliao.braga at ufabc.edu.br>

Collaborating Researcher and Professor at UFABC
Center for Mathematics, Computation and Cognitionhttps://braga.net.br
Mobile: +55 12 99167 3383
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