[Ietf-lac] Deadline Extension WPIETF 2022
Jéferson Campos Nobre
jcnobre at inf.ufrgs.br
Thu Mar 31 11:33:34 -03 2022
Call for Papers
The X WPIETF invites practitioners and researchers to submit
technical papers reporting original research and experience results that
fit into at least one of the seven areas of interest of the IETF. They are:
. Applications and Real-Time Area (art): application protocols and
architectures, such as e-mail and the Web;
. General Area (gen): activities focused on supporting, updating and
maintaining the IETF standards or that do not fit into any of the
available areas;
. Internet Area (int): include IP layer (both IPv4 and IPv6), implications
of IPv4 address depletion, co-existence between the IP versions, and so
. Operations and Management Area (ops): operation, monitoring, and
configuration of networks;
. Routing Area (rtg): routing protocols and packet routing to your
. Security Area (sec): security and privacy;
. Transport Area (tsv): development of data transport protocols for
special packages.
Moreover, works in computer networks will also be considered, with
themes that do not fit in the official areas and preferably include
topics related to the IRTF research groups. They are:
. CFRG: Crypto Forum Research Group
. COINRG: Computation in the Network Research Group
. DINGR: Decentralized Internet Infrastructure Proposed Research Group
. GAIA: Global Access to the Internet for All Research Group
. HRPC: Human Rights Protocol Considerations Research Group
. ICCRG: Internet Congestion Control Research Group
. ICNRG: Information-Centric Networking Research Group
. MAPRG: Measurement and Analysis for Protocols Research Group
. NMRG: Network Management Research Group
. NWCRG: NetWork Coding for Efficient Network Communications Research Group
. PANRG: Path Aware Networking Proposed Research Group
. PEARG: Privacy Enhancement and Assessments Research Group
. QIRG: Quantum Internet Research Group
. T2TRG: Thing-to-Thing Research Group
Authors must submit Full Papers (limited to 14 pages) or Short/Abstract
Papers (limited to 6 pages). The maximum number of pages includes an
abstract, figures, diagrams, references, and attachments. The committee
also reserves the right to accept texts submitted in the full article
category as a short article. The text can be written in Portuguese,
Spanish, or English, following the formats (LaTeX and Word) available on
the SBC website (download link). Each paper must be submitted in PDF via
the Web submission form at the JEMS system (link for submission).
All submitted manuscripts will follow a double-blinded review process
and subsequent judgment. In this context, all the authors' names and
affiliations must not be present in the submitted manuscript.
Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical
strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and
relevance to the workshop scope. Authors have the option of attaching
supplemental material, such as source code, to the article. However,
this material will not be part of the assessment.
The articles with the best qualifications will be selected to compose
the proceedings and presented at the event. Besides, all works presented
at the WPIETF will have the possibility to be adapted or complemented,
if necessary, and forwarded to the IETF, with adequate support (by the
Post-WPIETF Committee).
.Alert 1: The registration of at least one author of the paper is
mandatory to add the paper in the proceedings. Authors with more than
one accepted paper, in any event, may pay a single registration fee,
plus an “extra publication fee” per additional paper.
Alert 2: The WPIETF reserves the right to not include in the proceedings
those papers that, during the workshop, are not presented by one of
their authors or by a designated presenter. Presentation can be in
Portuguese or English.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: *NEW April, 07 2022
Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2022
Final version: May 20, 2022
WPIETF 2021: August 05, 2022
CSBC 2021: July 31-August 05, 2022
Best Paper Award:
In this edition, through the support of Futurewei, the best paper will
be awarded a trip to participate in the 115th or 116th IETF Meeting. The
award will be given to a single author, preferably the first author. The
award includes: Airplane Tickets; Event Registration; and Accommodation.
Finally, we will also have a cash prize for the top three articles:
1st: R$ 600,00;
2nd: R$ 400,00;
3rd: R$ 200,00.
The steering committee is in charge evaluate the submissions. The main
criteria for selecting the best paper, in addition to scientific rigor
and contribution to a topic relevant to the IRTF/IETF, will be the
potential to transform the paper into an IETF draft and follow the
process to become an RFC.
*Special Call for Lightning Papers*
The VIII WPIETF invites practitioners and researchers to submit
lightning papers. Lightning Papers can provide a summary of early,
emerging, on-going work, or published work. Paper topics should be
relevant to at least one of the seven areas of interest of the IETF or
topics related to the IRTF research groups.
This type of submission will be presented in a short, lightning-talk
style. For a lightning paper to be considered for presentation, please
submit an extended abstract that is no longer than 2 pages, with a
maximum of one additional page for references only.The text must be
written in English, following the formats (LaTeX and Word) available on
the SBC website (download link). Each paper must be submitted in PDF via
the Web submission form at the JEMS system (link for submission).
This extended abstract must include the following information:
. Short abstract (max. 500 characters);
. Work Originality (Justification);
. Work Relevance (Scientific, Technological, Social or Innovation);
. Articles, books or other products derived from this work;
. How this work applies to IETF/IRTF standardization activities? (RFC
updates or new draft? Which area? Which Working/Research Group?).
. All submitted manuscripts will follow a review process and subsequent
judgment. The steering committee will evaluate the submissions.
Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical
strength, significance, and interest and adequacy to IETF/IRTF
standardization activities.
The WPIETF reserves the right to not include in the proceedings the
lightning papers. But it will be published in a special repository
reserved for this type of work, within an appropriate Open Science
Framework environment. In this context, the registration of at least one
author of the paper is NOT mandatory.
All lighting papers presented at the WPIETF will have the possibility to
be adapted or complemented, if necessary, and forwarded to the
IETF/IRTF, with adequate support (by the Post-WPIETF Committee).
Besides, the best paper will be awarded an registration to the next IETF
Important Dates:
. Paper submission deadline: *NEW April, 07 2022
. Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2022
. Presentation: August 05, 2022
Contact: jcnobre at inf.ufrgs.br and juliao.braga at ufabc.edu.br
CGI.br and Futurewei
Internet Society Brazil Chapter, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
IETF-LAC Task Force
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