[Iot-lacnog] Virtual meeting - Getting Started with a W3C Web of Things Project

Ines Robles mariainesrobles at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 14 04:03:24 BRT 2016


FYI, el jueves va a tener lugar una conferencia online sobre WoT.


"The W3C Web of Things (WoT) Interest Group (IG)
<https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/> is designing technological building blocks
that help to complement existing IoT platforms and protocols, and thereby
enable interoperability at a Web scale. A draft for the overall
architecture can be foundhere
<http://w3c.github.io/wot/architecture/wot-architecture.html>. The building
blocks are described in the Current Practices
and include: the W3C Thing Description to provide the data and interaction
as well as metadata for things, a Scripting API for portable apps to
augment physical devices or instantiate virtual things on hubs or the
cloud, and multiple protocol bindings.

This talk will give more details about the Web of Things idea and will
provide a getting-started guide for implementers who are interested in
contributing and/or participating in our so-called PlugFests. The next
12 July 2016 in Beijing, China and will also allow for online
participation. "


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