[lacnog] [SPAM]Fwd: [OPSAWG] FW: New Version Notification for draft-weil-opsawg-provider-address-space-01
Arturo Servin
aservin en lacnic.net
Lun Ago 30 00:00:56 BRT 2010
Seria interesante conocer las opiniones de la comunidad acerca de esta propuesta.
En caso de aprobarse como documento del grupo de trabajo y posteriormente como RFC dejaria al pool central de IPv4 de IANA con un /8 menos.
Grupo de trabajo y documentos:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IETF I-D Submission Tool [mailto:idsubmission en ietf.org]
> Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 9:06 PM
> To: Chris Donley
> Cc: jason.weil en cox.com; victor.kuarsingh en rogers.com
> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-weil-opsawg-provider-address-space-01
> A new version of I-D, draft-weil-opsawg-provider-address-space-01.txt has been successfully submitted by Chris Donley and posted to the IETF repository.
> Filename: draft-weil-opsawg-provider-address-space
> Revision: 01
> Title: IANA Reserved IPv4 Prefix for IPv6 Transition
> Creation_date: 2010-08-16
> WG ID: Independent Submission
> Number_of_pages: 15
> Abstract:
> This document specifies the use of a reserved IANA IPv4 address
> allocation to support the deployment of IPv6 transition technologies
> and IPv4 address sharing technologies post IPv4 exhaustion. Service
> providers are in the process of implementing IPv6 support by
> providing dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 services to their end-users. One
> method for continued support of the IPv4 Internet post IANA IPv4
> depletion is through the use of a carrier-provided NAT444
> infrastructure. Another mechanism used to transition to IPv6 is an
> IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel such as IPv6 Rapid Deployment (6RD). This
> document details the use of an IANA reserved address block for these
> purposes.
> The IETF Secretariat.
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