[lacnog] [EXTENSION] Call for Presentations – LACNOG 2017
Tomas Lynch
tomas.lynch en gmail.com
Mar Jul 18 09:56:57 BRT 2017
The Program Committee extends the reception of drafts and abstracts until
July 24, 2017.
LACNOG, the Latin American and Caribbean Network Operators Group, will be
holding its annual conference – LACNOG 2017 – in the city of Montevideo,
Uruguay, on 18-22 September 2017. This event will be co-located with the
LACNIC 28 meeting.
The 2017 LACNOG Program Committee invites the Internet community to submit
their presentations for the event.
Possible formats are as follows:
Lightning talk: short, 10-minute presentation with an additional 5
minutes for questions.
Presentation: 20-minute presentation with an additional 10 minutes for
Tutorial: 45-minute presentation with an additional 15 minutes for
In the spirit of LACNOG, the topics to be covered by the presentations
should be geared towards regional Internet development. The topics of
interest to LACNOG 2017 include, but are not limited to:
Network operation and professional experiences, success stories
IP network architecture, sizing, configuration and administration
Routing and switching protocols, including unicast, multicast, anycast,
and others
End-user applications (e.g. E-mail, HTTP, DNS, etc.)
Value-added services such as VPNs, distributed systems, cloud computing,
Peering, regional traffic exchange, IXPs
Transition to IPv6 and IPv6 Deployment
Network security and data management, attack mitigation
Network monitoring, performance, measurements and telemetry
Network automation, evolution and convergence
Infrastructure and physical transport including optical and wireless
Internet governance issues, legislation and regulations
Research and education
All submissions must meet the following requirements:
Proposals must be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish.
Accepted formats: Microsoft Powerpoint (PPT, PPTX), Apache OpenOffice
Presentation (ODP), LibreOffice Impress (ODP), or Portable Document Format
The number of slides must be appropriate for the time assigned for the
presentation. As a rule of thumb, estimate 1-2 minutes per slide.
We recommend following the Guidelines for Submitting a Presentation
Presentations must be submitted according to the following schedule:
Reception of drafts and abstracts: 12 June to 17 July
Evaluation by the Program Committee: 17 to 31 July
Submission of the final presentation: 31 July to 28 August
Event date: 18-22 September
Anyone wishing to participate must submit a short biography, picture and
abstract to http://www.lacnog.org/en/call-for-presentations-lacnog-2017/
Presenters at the LACNOG 2017 conference will receive a certificate
attesting their participation.
Program Committee
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