[lacnog] Quad9 --> Servidor DNS

Carlos M. Martinez carlosm3011 en gmail.com
Jue Nov 16 22:57:35 BRST 2017

Hola Esteban,

La mejor info que encontré está en el propio sitio del proyecto: 

Si lo van a probar, creo que vale la pena tener en cuenta esta parte:

Is there a service that Quad9 offers that does not have the blocklist or 
other security?

The primary IP address for Quad9 is, which includes the 
blocklist, DNSSEC, and other security features. However, there are 
alternate IP addresses that the service operates which do not have these 
security features. These might be useful for testing validation, or to 
determine if there are false positives in the Quad9 system.

Secure IP: Blocklist, DNSSEC, No EDNS Client-Subnet

Unsecure IP: No blocklist, no DNSSEC, send EDNS Client-Subnet

Note: Use only one of these two addresses. Some networking software may 
include terminology such as “Secondary DNS Server” in configuration 
windows; this can be left blank. Putting both and into 
“primary” and “secondary” fields may result in unsecure results 
in rare circumstances.



On 17 Nov 2017, at 8:37, Esteban Carisimo wrote:

> Estimados,
> Hoy se lanzó el como servidor DNS, ¿alguien escucho algo 
> más de este servicio?. Acá les paso la info que leí
> https://www.cyberscoop.com/quad9-dns-service-global-cyber-alliance/
> Saludos
> -- 
> Esteban Carisimo
> Temporarily Visiting Graduate Student at CAIDA
> PhD student at CoNexDat (UBA-CONICET)
> http://cnet.fi.uba.ar/esteban_carisimo/en
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