[lacnog] 2000::/3 Being Announced and Accepted

Douglas Fischer fischerdouglas en gmail.com
Mie Nov 13 17:21:24 -02 2019

The route has already been removed!

Em qua, 13 de nov de 2019 às 14:00, Douglas Fischer <
fischerdouglas en gmail.com> escreveu:

> I have been recommending to many friends to check in daily at
> http://irrexplorer.nlnog.net/ to make sure everything is healthy with
> their prefixes ...
> Today a colleague reported a problem with an AS58299 ad appearing in
> "their prefixes".
> I went look and was showing up on our ASNs too.
> It took me a while (dããã) to understand what was going on ...
> Why was irrexplorer showing that prefix in our query?
> Could anyone reach somebody from OpenFactory/NetShelter/level66network
> about this?
> http://lg.ring.nlnog.net/prefix_bgpmap/lg01/ipv6?q=2000::/3
> 2000::/3
> [LEVEL66NETWORK1 11:35:27 from 2a09:11c0::1] * (100/-) [AS58299i]
> Type: BGP unicast univ
> BGP.origin: IGP
> BGP.as_path: 209844 49697 58299
> BGP.next_hop: 2a09:11c0::1
> BGP.local_pref: 100
> BGP.community: (49697,1000) (49697,1007) (49697,2302)
> BGP.ext_community: (RPKI Origin Validation State: not-found)
> BGP.large_community: (209844, 100, 13)
> --
> Douglas Fernando Fischer
> Engº de Controle e Automação

Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação
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