[lacnog] Interesante paper de CAIDA sobre posible vector de ataque de DNS

Alejandro Acosta alejandroacostaalamo en gmail.com
Mar Jul 7 21:35:53 GMT+3 2020

Hola Nico,

   Eso es algo que pasa muy frecuente, buen punto el que traes a colación.

   Un ejemplo, este año pasó esto: 


On 7/7/20 8:11 PM, Nicolas Antoniello wrote:
> Les adjunto un link a un interesante paper de CAIDA sobre la 
> importancia de mantener los archivos de Zona de DNS actualizados y 
> "limpios".
> https://www.caida.org/publications/papers/2020/forgotten_side_dns/
>       The Forgotten Side of DNS: Orphan and Abandoned Records
> DNS zone administration is a complex task involving manual work and 
> several entities and can therefore result in misconfigurations. Orphan 
> records are one of these misconfigurations, in which a glue record for 
> a delegation that does not exist anymore is forgotten in the zone 
> file. Orphan records are a security hazard to third-party domains that 
> have these records in their delegation, as an attacker may easily 
> hijack such domains by registering the domain associated with the 
> orphan. The goal of this paper is to quantify this misconfiguration, 
> extending previous work by Kalafut et al., by identifying a new type 
> of glue record misconfiguration – which we refer to as abandoned 
> records – and by performing a broader characterization. Our results 
> highlight how the situation has changed, not always for the better, 
> compared to a decade-old study.
> Fraterno saludo,
> Nico
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