[LACNIC/Politicas] Propuesta 64 de APNIC sobre ASNs de 4 bytes

Francisco Arias francisco at arias.com.mx
Thu Jan 15 14:28:10 BRST 2009

La propuesta "prop-064" de APNIC podría ser de interés para nuestra
comunidad. Ya fue aprobada y entrará en vigor el 16-feb próximo.
Define una nueva fecha intermedia (1-jul-2009) a partir de la cual se
tendrá que demostrar la necesidad de un ASN de 16 bites al

"4.1 This proposal seeks to create an intermediary stage where LIRs will
    be assigned a 4-byte AS number by default unless it is unsuitable."



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Dickinson <sam at apnic.net>
Date: Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 11:30 PM
Subject: [Apnic-announce] Upcoming APNIC policy implementations
To: apnic-announce at apnic.net


Upcoming APNIC policy implementations

On 16 February 2009, APNIC will implement three policy proposals that
reached consensus during APNIC 26 in Christchurch, New Zealand in August
2008. The APNIC Executive Council (EC) endorsed the proposals during
their November 2008 meeting. The three policy changes are:

    - Defining how APNIC should distribute the final /8 worth of IPv4
      addresses from its unallocated pool

      This change aims to ensure that during the transition to IPv6,
      LIRs can still participate in the IPv4 Internet while they
      deploy services using the IPv6 Internet.

    - Including the utilization rate of historical IPv4 addresses
      when assessing an LIR's request for more IPv4 addresses.

      This change brings utilization of historical IPv4 addresses
      into line with current best practices for address management.
      It will ensure that organizations are using scarce IPv4
      address space resources to the fullest extent possible.

    - Including an additional date in the timetable for moving from
      two-byte only AS numbers to four-byte only AS numbers

      This change aims to create greater awareness within the
      community for the need to support 4-byte AS numbers without
      mandating an absolute final adoption of 4-byte AS numbers.

To view the history of these policy proposals, see:

    prop-062: Use of final /8

    prop-064: Change to assignment policy for AS numbers

    prop-066: Ensuring efficient use of historical IPv4 resources

APNIC policies are developed by the membership and broader Internet
community. To have your say on policy proposals to be presented at
APNIC 27 in Manila, Philippines, February 2009, join the Policy SIG
mailing list. Details at:


Samantha Dickinson                     email:           sam at apnic.net
Policy Development Manager, APNIC        sip:      sam at voip.apnic.net
http://www.apnic.net                   phone:         +61 7 3858 3100
Apnic-announce mailing list
Apnic-announce at lists.apnic.net


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