[LACNIC/Politicas] IPv6 Heatmap

Sebastian Bellagamba bellagamba at isoc.org
Wed May 4 09:07:36 BRT 2011

Dear all,

ISOC is working to create an IPv6 'heatmap' of the world showing where end users can get IPv6 access, what it's nature is, and how users can sign up. It will take us a little bit of time to set this up, but we're starting to prepare.  We'd like to display countries and show the networks that provide IPv6, and the nature of the offering (full commercial 'anyone who wants it can have it' vs. trial).  We have created a very short survey to start collecting this info:


We plan to provide links to any network that has an offering.  To do that, we'll need pointers to a page on the service provider's website describing how an end user can go about getting IPv6 Internet access from that network operator.

Please help us by completing the survey for any networks that you know are providing IPv6 access in your region.

Mat Ford is leading this activity.  I've copied him on this email.  You can either complete the form or contact Mat if you have any questions.

Sebastian Bellagamba
bellagamba at isoc.org
Manager - Oficina Regional para America Latina y el Caribe
Regional Bureau Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean
Internet Society

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