[LACNIC/Anuncios] Winners of the FRIDA / eLAC 2010 Award

Alexandra Dans alexandra at lacnic.net
Wed Nov 3 10:55:31 BRST 2010

The Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean 
(LACNIC), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the 
Internet Society (ISOC) and the Economic Commission for Latin America 
and the Caribbean (ECLAC), are pleased to announce the winners of the 
FRIDA / eLAC 2010 Award.

According to the activity sector, the winners are:

Civil Society: "Sistema de Información sobre Semillas" (Bolivia)

Private: "Red contra el abuso sexual infantil" (Regional)

Academia: "Diálogo Regional sobre la Sociedad de la Información" (Regional)

Government: "Plataforma de Capacitación para Zonas rurales" (Peru)

According to the* eLAC 2010 *theme*, *the winners are:

Public administration: "Vive gobierno en línea" (Colombia)

Education: "Balance Cero" (Argentina)

Production sector: "DatAgro- Plataforma de información móvil" (Chile)

Infrastructure and access: "STID- Soluciones de Telecom para Inclusión 
Digital" (Brazil)

Health: "Telemedicina en Colombia" (Colombia)

Policy instruments: "Nueva Ley de Propiedad Intelectual en Chile" (Chile)

For the Gold Prize, the jury decided to deliver it to two separate 

"STID- Soluciones de Telecom para Inclusión Digital" (Brazil)

"Red contra el abuso sexual infantil" (Regional)

On behalf of the organizers of the FRIDA / eLAC Award, we wish to thank 
those responsible for participating with over 190 projects registered in 
our website.

We also wish to give a special mention to the members of the jury 
<http://www.premiofrida.org/eng/pages/jury>, who had the arduous task of 
assessing the excellent initiatives by identifying those with more 
merits to be awarded in the 10 different categories.

The heads of the winning projects will be contacted by email to 
coordinate the logistics of their participation in the Third Ministerial 
Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean 
to be held from November 21^st to 23^rd 2010 in Lima, Peru, where the 
prizes will be awarded.

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