[LACNIC/Anuncios] Winners of the FRIDA/IGF 2011 Award

Alexandra Dans alexandra at lacnic.net
Thu Sep 1 15:49:15 BRT 2011

The Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean 
(LACNIC), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the 
Internet Society (ISOC) are pleased to announce the winners of the FRIDA 
/ IGF 2011 Award.

According to the theme of the IGF 2011, the winners are:

Access: Plan Ceibal 

Freedoms: Movimiento Mega Nao ao vigilantismo na Internet 

Development: Red Educativa Mundial 

Innovation: Mercedes y Marcos Paz Digital 

  The winner of the best 2.0 campaign (Most voted project) is:

Via Nostrum: Red de Desarrollo de Conocimiento 

On behalf of the organizers of the FRIDA / IGF Award, we wish to thank 
those responsible for participating with over 120 projects registered in 
our website.

We also wish to give a special mention to the members of the jury 
<http://www.premiofrida.org/eng/pages/jury>, who had the arduous task of 
assessing the excellent initiatives by identifying those with more 
merits to be awarded in the different categories.

The heads of the winning projects will be contacted by email to 
coordinate the logistics of their participation at the Internet 
Governance Forum in Nairobi, Kenya (September 27-30, 2011) and to LACNIC 
XVI in Buenos Aires, Argentina (October 3-7, 2011) where the prizes will 
be awarded.

  For further details please refer to the rules 

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