Lara Robledo lara at lacnic.net
Wed Jul 3 10:00:00 BRT 2013


*External Jury resolution:*

FRIDA is pleased to announce the winners of the FRIDA 2013 Awards+. From 
among the more than 60 projects that were submitted, the FRIDA 2013 
Award+ is recognizing the five initiatives that in recent years have 
contributed the most to the development of the Information Society in 
Latin America and the Caribbean, identifying good practices that can be 
duplicated and contribute to showcase positive experiences to the 
region's decision makers. Awards are presented in four different 
categories, and the "most voted, most creative project" receives a fifth 
award. The five winners will receive a cash prize of US$ 3000 and a trip 
to the Pre-IGF meeting to be held in Córdoba, Argentina from August, 
27^th to 29^th as well as to the IGF on October from 22^nd to 25^th in 

It is a pleasure to announce that into consideration the high level of 
quality of the projects received in the Development category, the 
evaluator jury has decided that the first prize will be shared among. 
Everyone receives the sum of USD3000 plus the travels.

*/For those who submitted a startup proposal, the jury decision will be 
on July 15./*

*Winners by Category:*


Videolibros Virtuales en Lengua de Señas Argentina 
<http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/247>. Canales 
Asociación Civil.Tipo de organización: sociedad civil. Argentina.


Willay: gobernanza y ciudadanía a través de las TIC en zonas rurales de 
Perú <http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/277>. ONGAWA. Tipo 
de organización: sociedad civil. Perú


Electrocardiógrafo Portátil para Dispositivos Móviles 
<http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/239>. ElectroSmart. 
Tipo de organización: iniciativa privada. Regional.

Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Medellín y Valle de Aburrá. 
<http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/283>Municipio de 
Medellín, EPM, ISAGEN. Tipo de organización: Gobierno. Colombia.


Chequeado.com <http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/290>. 
Fundación La Voz Pública para la Verificación del Discurso. Tipo de 
organización: sociedad civil. Argentina.


VotaloBotalo <http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/262>. 
FAVIM. Tipo de organización: Gobierno. Argentina.


*Mentions for second place:*


Matilti: una herramienta para la denuncia contra la violencia contra las 
mujeres <http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/296>. Colectiva 
de Mujeres para el Desarrollo Local. Tipo de organización: sociedad 
civil. El Salvador.


Centro Virtual para la Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas de la 
Sociedad Civil <http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/251>. 
Iniciativa Regional Rendir Cuentas. Tipo de organización: sociedad 
civil. Regional.


Capacitamos para salvar la niñez: AIEPI virtual 
<http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/243>. Universidad de 
Caldas. Tipo de organización: sector académico. Colombia.


Sistema de vigilancia para la prevención del Cáncer de la mujer 
(Sivipcan) en Nicaragua 
<http://programafrida.net/projects/projects/view/252>. Fundación 
Movicancer-Nicaragua. Tipo de organización: sociedad civil. Nicaragua.

*Relevant Information of the 2013 edition:*

  * Total projects presented in this 2013 edition: 63
  * 52,4% of the projects are headed by men, and 47,6% by women.
  * 96,8% (61) of the projects did not postulate in the 2012 edition.
  * Of the total 63 project, 15 (23.8%) presented a startup proposal to
    receive funds for an amount of up to USD 6000 to do new activities
    in the framework of the postulated project.
  * Colombia, Argentina and Peru are the three countries with the most

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