[Ietf-lac] FW: Document language editing session in London

Alvaro Retana (aretana) aretana at cisco.com
Fri Jan 17 18:08:24 BRST 2014

On 1/17/14 2:04 PM, "Carlos M. Martinez" <carlosm3011 at gmail.com> wrote:


Como vas?

>a mi me gustaría participar. ¿Como es el mecanismo?

Tenes que hablar con el WG chair del grupo en el que tenes el draft.


What we are asking working group chairs to do is think about whether
there are documents in their working group that could use this sort of
help.   If you believe there are, please contact the authors of those
documents and ask them in a non-pushy way whether they would like to
participate in this experiment.   Please let us know if any of your
authors are interested in this.   If you have more than one document that
you'd like worked on, please tell us which one is most important to you.
We will have to do a triage process unless the response to this call for
participants is tiny, so it's likely that we will only take the document
you think is more important.   If we get a really good response, we won't
be able to take documents from every working group that responds; please
don't take this as a criticism if your document isn't chosen.

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