[Ietf-lac] FW: A new emial list to discuss / work on operator and IETF cooperation.

DIEGO LOPEZ GARCIA diego.r.lopez at telefonica.com
Wed Jan 21 05:38:29 BRST 2015


Si que suena como una oportunidad, si. Tu estas ya en ella, Alvaro?

Likely to be brief and not very
elaborate as sent from my mobile
Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

On 20 Jan 2015, at 22:46, Alvaro Retana (aretana) <aretana at cisco.com<mailto:aretana at cisco.com>> wrote:

Me acabo de dar cuenta de esta lista.  Podría ser interesante en ayudarnos a aumentar la participación.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Warren Kumari <warren at kumari.net<mailto:warren at kumari.net>>
Date: Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 6:05 PM
Subject: A new emial list to discuss / work on operator and IETF cooperation.
To: "iesg at ietf.org<mailto:iesg at ietf.org>" <iesg at ietf.org<mailto:iesg at ietf.org>>, iab at iab.org<mailto:iab at iab.org>, Chris Grundemann <grundemann at isoc.org<mailto:grundemann at isoc.org>>, "Scott O. Bradner" <sob at harvard.edu<mailto:sob at harvard.edu>>

Hi all,

During one of the plenaries someone mentioned an effort and the output
of a survey to get more operators involved in the IETF, and IETFers
involved in the operator community.

We had a presentation in OpsAWG (and the IEPG meeting) by Chris
Grundemann @ ISOC, slides here:
and we have a draft here:

Basically ISOC ran a survey of operators to get more information on if
they participate in the IETF, and if not, why not.
The slides do a good job of explaining the results, but there are some
things that seem like they would be east to address, such as:
"I don’t know how to participate: 58% of those who do not
participate in the IETF do not know how "
"I've never heard of IETF mailing lists: 31% had never heard of IETF
mailing lists before this survey

I don't know what happens on IETF mailing lists: 54% don't know
what happens on an IETF mailing list

I don't know how to join an IETF mailing list: 40% aren't on an
IETF mailing list because they don't know how to join "

We (a number of folk from the OpsAWG, some IEPG folk, Chris and
myself) are planning on manning a table at things like NANOG and RIPE
and APRICOT and similar with an "IETF" banner (we've already spoken
with Ray, he'll organize us one) to provide information on how folk
can participate[0].

We are planning on having the first table at NANOG63 in San Antonio
and then at RIPE70 in Amsterdam (and possibly APRICOT in March if we
have the right people organized).

Anyway, I've created a list (
http://snozzages.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/synergy ) for interested
folk to discuss and work on things like this. It is intentionally
*not* an @IETF list, because we want to make it clear that this isn't
the IETF extending an olive branch to the lowly operators, but rather
a place where we are all on equal footing...

Anyway, we wanted to make y'all aware of this, get your thoughts,
maybe press-gang a few into helping man the tables, and invite you to
join the list.

[0]: We are starting with network operator groups because a number of
us already attend those meetings, and so it will be easy, etc.

I don't think the execution is relevant when it was obviously a bad
idea in the first place.
This is like putting rabid weasels in your pants, and later expressing
regret at having chosen those particular rabid weasels and that pair
of pants.

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