[Lacigf] Open Call for participation in the Best Practice Preparatory Process

Carlos A. Afonso ca at cafonso.ca
Tue Jul 8 13:22:37 BRT 2014

Estimadas y estimados compas,

Creo que esta iniciativa en IGF es relevante para finalmente empezar un
proceso de resultados efectivos, conforme recomendaciones de la CSTD y
del encuentro NETmundial. Reproduzco abajo informaciones de Anriette
Esterhuysen, de APC y participante del MAG sobre la iniciativa de Foros
de Mejores Prácticas, que me parece tendremos que considerar en nuestro
diálogo en El Salvador.

No tengo idea del proceso que ha llevado a la definición de los cinco
áreas de discusión -- probablemente ha sido en el MAG mismo.

[]s fraternos


ps: pido disculpas por no haber estado en la conferencia online ayer --
agenda llena.


Dear all

The IGF is introducing a new 'format' this year. Best Practice Forums.

The goal of these forums are to develop recommendations on policies or
other actions on topics that have already been dealt with extensively at
the IGF. In other words, topics where the same discussion tends to
happen year after year and where, to take the issue forward, the IGF
facilitate outcomes, or make recommendations to other forums on how they
can take the issue forward.

The general call is here:


Five areas  - copied below - were selected by the MAG. An open call for
participation has been issued. You can all participate in any of these
if you want to be contribute to a more outcome-oriented IGF.


1. Developing meaningful multistakeholder participation mechanisms:


2. Regulation and mitigation of unwanted communications (e.g. "spam"):

3. Establishing and supporting Computer Emergency Response Teams
   (CERTs) for Internet security:

4. Creating an enabling environment for the development of local


5. Best practices for Online child protection:


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